

Patience In Short Supply

Editor’s note: A longtime Wheat Ridge resident recently wrote the Neighborhood Gazette about “outrageous crime” in our city, presenting as evidence: her catalytic converter and a neighbor’s laptops (two!) had been stolen from their respective vehicles; homelessness and panhandling continues unabated; and she received two ballots in the mail.   “I would love some answers

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Always Thankful

By the time this is printed, the elections will have been counted and a winner declared in my hotly contested District 3 City Council race in Wheat Ridge. The two different-styled candidates are equally caring and capable but, interestingly enough, both attract extreme views, actions and opinions that often taint their original message. Being a

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Time To Knock On Doors, City Council

As humans we crave communication in some fashion or another. As parents we look for regular news from our grown kids, maybe from each other as well. As employees, we look for regular communication from our bosses and coworkers. As citizens we look for updates from our city and local politicians – politicians that eagerly

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Good Riddance, August

August was a tough month and I’m glad it’s over. I spent two weeks in bed fighting COVID-19. Thankfully, I was surrounded by knowledgeable and caring people who checked in on me throughout the ordeal. I still can’t smell a thing and I’m physically feeling beat up, but I’m not dead. That’s most likely because

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Too Young To Be A GOAT

Who was the greatest of all time (GOAT)? Always a fun debate. How do you compare athletes, artists, even presidents in different times with different equipment and conditions? These conversations always included athletes that have passed away or have retired. But now we are insisting on placing that label on young people and pushing enormous

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The Summer To Remember

With COVID-19 cases declining across the nation and 50 percent of Coloradans fully vaccinated by Father’s Day, is it possible that many aspects of pre-pandemic life may return this summer? A response in the affirmative may mean that summer 2021 marks a return to a familiar summer. Current publications state that people are eager to

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Praises And Promises

Hold the presses! 72 percent of Wheat Ridge citizens point to the Neighborhood Gazette as their main source of news and information. That was one of the findings in the latest city census – up from 68 percent in 2018. When I bought the Gazette, friends and business associates warned me that apparently, “No one

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Family Promise Director Courtney Jensen

Sheltering Homeless Families Is Challenging

Families who are experiencing homelessness pose a unique set of problems for communities. The reasons for their homelessness are similar to those for people who are homeless who are not part of a family unit. The pandemic, coupled with the Denver rental market, has contributed to the inability of some families to find housing. Without

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A man holds glasses and the image is blurred

How Has Your Life Or Perspective Changed?

Since the COVID-19 virus was first reported in Wuhan, China, on Dec. 31, 2019, its deadly wrath has controlled day-to-day lives worldwide. Adhering to restrictions and health mandates significantly altered and ultimately changed how people learned, worked and interacted. With the formidable Colorado restrictions and imposed county health dictates this year, is it possible that

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Guy Nahmiach, Neighborhood Gazette Publisher

The Speed Of Life

As the front wheel of my scooter sank into the pothole, the rattling inside my helmet was loud and from the corner of my eye I watched in slow motion as my phone flew off into the air, landing on the asphalt to its catastrophic demise. This was the beginning of my long weekend that

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