Time To Knock On Doors, City Council

Guy Nahmiach, Neighborhood Gazette Publisher

As humans we crave communication in some fashion or another. As parents we look for regular news from our grown kids, maybe from each other as well. As employees, we look for regular communication from our bosses and coworkers. As citizens we look for updates from our city and local politicians – politicians that eagerly knocked on our doors for a friendly conversation describing their vision for our city in hopes of securing our vote. I’ve noticed some of them during council meetings having “nothing to report” from their district, nothing to share and no news to announce. Week after week with, “Nothing to report.”

As election season moves in and with only one contested seat, I am challenging every single council member to hit the road. Start knocking on doors again, ask families how they are doing, what they need, share news of city plans to spend $4 million on an amphitheater on West 38th Avenue to celebrate our festivals, develop an incredible 100 acres of where Lutheran Hospital is, maybe some of the ideas out there on how to use that land, the launch to a long-but-worthwhile project of widening Wadsworth, details about what actual section of Wadsworth, perhaps the great work of our police department and what wins and challenges they’ve had.

Knock on doors and remind people why we should be proud to live in an award-winning city like Wheat Ridge. I am urging councilors to come back every single city council and business meeting and share what they’ve heard and seen. “Nothing to report” is a slap in the face to every citizen volunteering, supporting and working hard on the many commissions, committees and other projects out there.

It would also be exciting to hear about our economic development strategy. While as a real estate broker I understand that confidential negotiations must remain behind closed doors, it would be great to hear about new deals, big picture plans and the type of businesses we are chasing. Long empty stretches on 38th, the vision we are pitching to potential developers for 44th Avenue. The city manager does a great job in sharing updates, but just as we have regular reports from public works and Parks & Rec, it’s time we had regular updates about our economic development strategy.

This election season, take time to inform yourselves about the options, the people and where they stand on issues close to your heart. School board elections, district changes, what is being spent with your money and what does growth look like to you. Progress happens in many different ways. Standing still is simply not an option. Helping those that can’t help themselves, the elderly, the veterans, malnourished children and the list goes on. It’s true that there are some that take advantage of the system and the good will of communities, but that’s always been there and those that truly need a hand shouldn’t be ignored.

Looking forward to seeing you all at this year’s last Art on the Farm. As always, thanks for reading.

Contact Neighborhood Gazette Publisher Guy Nahmiach at wrgazette@gmail.com or 303-999-5789.

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