April 2023

A calendar with a yellow highlighter

What’s Happening – April 2023

ADU Foes In Court To Challenge Last Year’s Rejection Of Petitions Remember last summer’s petition drive to undo Wheat Ridge City Council’s July approval of an ordinance allowing accessory dwelling units? (If you don’t, see “Petition Drive Aims To Overturn Council’s ADU Decision,” September 2022 Neighborhood Gazette.)  Petition organizers failed to gather the minimum 1,757

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Following The Bond Money On The Farm

The Neighborhood Gazette, in an attempt to do a meaningful story about the bond project at Wheat Ridge High School, has stumbled upon some questions that remain yet to be answered.  A Feb. 13  tour of “The Farm” revealed some troubling issues within the walls of a building that should be considered one of the

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Wheat Ridge Mayor Bud Starker
Wheat Ridge

National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation

The City of Wheat Ridge is excited to join the National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation for the first time, and I encourage all Wheat Ridge residents to join me in this pledge. Water conservation is a key component of creating a sustainable, healthy future for our residents, and conservation is a goal we can

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Goal-Setting Allows For Minute Details And Major Patching

Goals. Gotta love ‘em. Volunteers in the Johnson Cabin and the Old Sod House have been working steadily toward the goal of bringing both museums in line to illustrate the Century-long Story theme the Historical Society adopted in 2021. The Cabin is around 95 percent done, reports Priscilla Marshall, Director of Collections. The remaining five

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Of Property Taxes And TABOR

Every tax year I receive a few calls from taxpayers asking the County Treasurer to lower or waive their property taxes for various reasons.  County treasurers does not have the legal authority to lower property taxes or waive property taxes per state law.  The Treasurer’s Office and the state of Colorado do have programs available

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Mountain View

Trash Solutions Include Many Personalized Options

Last month, the town of Mountain View experienced some waste hauler changes. I know some aspects of the new system have been difficult to navigate. It might help residents to understand that some of these changes in the trash service were inevitable. All the companies we got quotes from, including GFL, have switched to a

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Mountain View

Thank You To Our Public Works Coordinator Extraordinaire!

The Town of Mountain View is very lucky to have the services of our Public Works Coordinator, David Nugent. Readers will notice that every part of our Neighborhood Gazette content this month is related to the important work he does. And I want to take the opportunity to thank him publicly. David came to us

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Savor Your Spring

In last month’s column, I talked about the power of trusting in the magic of winter. But what happens after you practice diligent faith, allow stillness, and do all the hard work needed to get through winter? Yes, being still is hard, especially in a society wired to go go go. What if your spring

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Pickleball: Now More Common than the Condiment

Ahoy, mateys! This salty sea captain has a tale to tell. While tossing back some ales at ye old Edgewater Inn, one of my galley gal-pals invited me to go pickling with her the following day at the park! Unsure how to take her offer and not wanting to offend, I paused to think. I

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What Is Regenerative Agriculture?

What is Regenerative Agriculture, what are its benefits, and how can we incorporate them into everyday gardening practices? Regenerative, like the name suggests, is to generate again, there’s an implication of a cycle, a place from which to renew, or begin again. When applied to agriculture, it could mean to grow food in a way

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It’s Always A Great Time To Thank People

Thank you Clancy’s for putting on another amazing St. Patrick’s Day festival. Four thousand people came through the doors, paying an easy $3 entry fee, which raised $12,000, of which more than half went to two charities and the rest helped pay for the tents. The event attracted a huge amount of people from outside

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Crown Hill Park: An Open Space Jewel

Crown Hill Park is easily the one location I have photographed most since moving to Colorado sight unseen in 1999. I have walked hundreds of miles around the lake. The park holds many fond memories, as I spent much time wandering the perimeter when my children were younger, listening to croaking frogs in the waters,

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Truth And Hope For Wheat Ridge Schools

Let me introduce myself. I’m Susan Miller, and I represent District Four on the Jefferson County Board of Education. So why am I here writing about Wheat Ridge? Because I’m a fiercely proud mom of four Farmer graduates. We choiced our first child into Wheat Ridge High School back in 2010, when Griff Wirth and

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What To Expect As Your Body Transitions To Menopause

Is it me or is it hot in here? Hot flashes are the most common symptom that women experience during the menopausal transition. Slowing egg production in the ovaries and the subsequent decline and fluctuating levels of female hormones are responsible for menopause symptoms.   If you are a woman in your 40s or 50s, your coworkers probably are not playing an April Fool’s joke on you by changing

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How Safe Are Your Savings?

In March 2020, the Federal Reserve Bank eliminated the requirement for banks to keep reserves. This was one of many economic stimulus measures, most of them temporary. Yet, last year the Fed clarified this was a permanent change. When talking about bank reserves, it’s important to ask why they’re required. Banks having no money on

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Localworks Extends Button Contest Deadline

Localworks has received an outpouring of support for our new tradition that we have introduced to be a part of Ridgefest. We understand that some community members became aware of the contest a little later in the game, and we want to allow for more of the community to participate that would like to! We

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Happiness Gardens: A Thriving Community Space

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” – Aubrey Hepburn Spring has officially sprung, and thoughts of renewal, planting and growing come to mind as the snow melts and days become longer. I love this time of year when the tiniest shoots of green and color push through the soil and trees awaken

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The Importance of Craftsmanship

I am a coffee snob. It started a few years ago at Starbucks. I watched as the barista pressed a few buttons on a machine, and the machine poured my caffeine juice into a white paper cup. But at a local artisanal coffee house down the road, masters of their craft had a different approach

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Time For Financial ‘Spring Cleaning’

Now that we’ve put winter behind us – at least on the calendar – it’s time for us to think about sprucing up our homes, inside and out. But it also may be time to do some financial spring cleaning.  Some of the same ideas involved in tidying up your home can also be used

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Right Plant, Right Place, Right Practice

April is Earth Month and with the start of spring and celebrations of the outdoors all month long, it’s the perfect time for many homeowners to plan their gardens and learn about sustainable landscaping techniques. To help with this, Edgewater Sustainability brought the expertise of Denver Botanic Gardens to their March Sustainability Seminar where community

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Boosting Smart Technology In Edgewater

Have you installed a smart device in your home? Perhaps you have a smart thermostat to save energy, a smart doorbell for enhanced security, or a smart speaker to enjoy your favorite tunes. These technologies can make individuals’ lives better, and the same can be done for cities. Smart cities use intelligent technology, connected devices and

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Tadd Overstreet & His Family Coffee House

Just west of 38th and Pierce sits Stylus & Crate, the newest locally owned and operated coffee house in Wheat Ridge. In conjunction with the coffee, the shop also prides itself on its offering of waffles and vinyl records.   Tadd Overstreet owns Stylus & Crate. Being a fourth generation Colorado native, he has always loved

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A Lawful Party: Live Music At Clancy’s

Few parties require a police presence on hand to help direct traffic.  One such Denver area gathering is the annual can’t-miss St. Patrick’s day event at Clancy’s Irish Pub. Held for four days split between two weekends, this celebration draws hordes of green-beer-drinking Coloradoans to Wheat Ridge every year. Patrons are treated to cheap drinks,

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Liz Burns Finds ‘Uber-Presentness’ In Painting Abstract Art

“My passion for painting stems from the immense benefits it brings to my mental well-being,” says Wheat Ridge painter Liz Burns. “It lets me remain fully present in the moment and immerse myself in a state of pure joy.” A Wheat Ridge resident since 2011, Burns lives with her husband Nathan, son Miller, 11, and

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