January 2023


Coming Down From A Cannabis Sales High

The marijuana industry in Colorado isn’t what it was a decade ago. The days of soaring sales and dispensaries opening every week after legalization took effect have ended. Instead, fears of business closures, mass layoffs and declining tax revenue are the norm. Various factors have been cited, led by an oversupply of products and a

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Proudly Featuring The Edgewater Community

We are incredibly thankful for everyone in the community. Because of each of you, the City of Edgewater has made many leaps and bounds toward being a more sustainable and inclusive place. We particularly want to thank all the volunteers who have dedicated their time to make these achievements possible. As we highlight 2022, we

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New Year, New Growth

Wow! The year flew by and here we are on the lookout of a new year full of new opportunities. I am sure many of you will be making some new year’s resolutions and setting new goals for yourself. For me personally, I am going to try and grow everything from seed this year! Trust

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WR Chamber and the Neighborhood Gazette Partner to Promote Business Owners

Starting in the new year the Wheat Ridge Chamber of Commerce and the Neighborhood Gazette will be hosting Monday mornings (9 a.m.) for solo business owners and remote workers who want to meet for coffee at the Chamber’s office, 7230 W. 38th Ave., in Wheat Ridge. We will be sharing best practices, common challenges and

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Time For New Year’s Financial Resolutions

This content was provided by Edward Jones for use by Hunter Owen, your Edward Jones financial advisor at 720-769-7500. Edward Jones, Member SIPC. It’s that time of year when many of us promise ourselves we’ll go to the gym more, or learn a new language, or take up a musical instrument, or any number of

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Localworks Appreciation To Our Community On Colorado Gives Day

Localworks wants to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who attended and played along at our Bar Stool Bingo event, donated online and anyone who has supported us along the way! This Colorado Gives Day Localworks was able to raise $9,013.38! We are humbled and in awe of your generosity. Our community came together

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What’s Happening – January 2023

Funds For Art, Bike & Pedestrian Improvements, Parks Included In Wheat Ridge City Council’s Budget   The Wheat Ridge City Council announced the passage of the city’s 2023 budget in late November, and it will go into effect on Jan. 1. According to a press release from the city, the 7-0 vote “leveraged the city’s strong

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New Year’s Resolutions

Whether the tradition of making a new year’s resolution was started by the Babylonians or by the Romans, who made promises to the god Janus, humans have been making and breaking resolutions for a long time.  Many of us look to the new year as a time to make changes and improvements in our lives, so it

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In Search For More

What defines perfection for you? For some it’s a perfect score on an exam. A baseball game won with no runs from the opposing team. For others it’s more of a feeling of perfection. The sound of shifting from second gear into third at 7,000 rpm, the fly line landing perfectly still and the sound

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Mineral Waters and Fun In Manitou Springs

I hope you all had a peaceful and joyous holiday season! It’s a New Year and if you’re anything like me, it’s great to get out to explore affordable activities with family and friends. One of my favorite towns is the quaint Manitou Springs. This unique historic city is dappled with unique shops, offers a

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Brandon Wilkes’ Coaching The Farmers Was ‘Clearly Meant To Happen’

Wheat Ridge high school is proud to welcome Brandon Wilkes to the Physical Education team and coaching staff for the Farmers Football team.  The Wilkes family rolled into Wheat Ridge on July 30 of this year. At the time the family consisted of Brandon, his wife Jessica, Bennett (who is currently a sophomore at Wheat

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How Are We Doing In Prepping The Next Generation?

In its usual thoughtful way, Wheat Ridge High School organized a two-day event where professionals in the community were invited to speak to high school students about their careers, occupations and jobs. All in hopes that it would answer questions, clear the way and help form a path as they studied toward graduating with a

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Find the Joy in the Messy

As I’m writing your hopefully helpful article for the first month of 2023, a snowstorm, cold temperatures and gusty winds swirl around my mom’s house in Illinois. Our Christmas road trip to Minnesota to spend time with family has been postponed, and we’ve been busy kitchen bees this morning whipping up chicken wild rice soup

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Mountain View

Council Planning For The Future Responsibly

I wanted to take this space to share a little about the Mountain View Council’s current plans regarding three different issues: The Town Hall Remodel Council has been talking about how best to remodel Town Hall for several years now. The building has numerous problems, not the least of which is that it simply is

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Mountain View

Mountain View To Unveil New Town Website

Every interaction between a community member and a local government is an opportunity to create a positive civic experience. After putting the project of creating a new Mountain View website out to bid, and reviewing three bids in early 2022, the Mountain View Town Council will be unveiling a new website during the first quarter

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The Bowler Hat: Practicality and Style Comes to Town

With the arrival of each new year, the Historical Society hosts one of my favorite events: the Historical Fashion Show and Tea Party. It’s just ahead on Saturday, Jan. 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Baugh House. Past gatherings have featured an array of fashions from mid-1800s prairie chic, to slick bowler-topped

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Put A Freeze On Winter Fires – Tips To Stay Safe

As bitterly cold weather finds its way into Colorado, you may be lighting the fireplace or plugging in a space heater to stay warm. From late fall to early spring, when the forecast calls for freezing temperatures, West Metro sees an increase in home heating fires.   Even a small fire can cause thousands of dollars

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Attorney-Turned-Actor Plays The Wheat Ridge Stage

The orderly and professional atmosphere of a courtroom is the opposite of the make-believe and sometimes off-the-wall approach on stage. But those two worlds intersected for a retired attorney who found a second career as an actor, thanks partly to the Wheat Ridge Theater Company. Jim Hayes began practicing law in California in 1975. His

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Wheat Ridge

What The Heck Is A Mayor Pro Tem?

A few weeks ago, I was honored to have my peers on city council elect me as the new Mayor Pro Tem for 2023. After hearing about this new position, many people congratulated me, and then pulled me aside to ask, What the heck is a Mayor Pro Tem and what do they do?  On

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Wheat Ridge Mayor Bud Starker
Wheat Ridge

2023 Budget Conservatively Projects An Optimistic Future

The Wheat Ridge City Council unanimously approved our budget for 2023 and I’m proud to say the economic state of our city is strong, despite some unforeseen challenges since 2020. Revenues have performed significantly better than estimated and commercial and residential development activity continues to thrive. Federal financial assistance of over $10 million in CARES

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For Mona Taherynia, Painting Is Like Poetry In Colors

“As a little girl, I was always drawing. I had a love for crayons,” says Mona Taherynia, an artist who was born and raised in Iran and moved to the United States when she was in her 30s.  Taherynia’s Iranian culture informs her paintings, “in terms of form and color,” yet her paintings also bear

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