

Saying Goodbye To A Community I Cherish

I have only cried once during a city council meeting – the night I was sworn in as a new Edgewater city councilor in late 2019. But I imagine the second time will be Tuesday, Aug. 3, during my last meeting as an Edgewater city councilor. COVID-19 has changed all our lives, and the particulars

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What Awaits Us In August?

Greetings Edgewater! As we head into August, we’re looking at continued heat and dry weather. Staying indoors during the peak heat hours and watching out for your neighbors in these times is so important. It feels as if we should be safer from the detrimental spread of COVID-19, but numbers are increasing here and all

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Exciting Updates As Edgewater Pushes Onward

When I was appointed to Edgewater City Council in April, I graciously stepped into a civic body that had been dedicated to keeping our community thriving during the heights of the pandemic. Subsequently, I got my vaccine and had my first post-vaccine haircut, pedicure, playdate with our baby and date night with my husband within

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Elections Are Coming – Want To Serve?

Volunteering on a city committee or serving in an elected office is a way to serve your community. Edgewater municipal elections are coming up and we are looking for people who want to run for office and serve the community! City council members, acting as a body, are the legislative body for Edgewater. The mayor

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We’re Finding Our Way To The New Normal

Summer has arrived! The City of Edgewater is in the process of finding its new normal now that we are in the Clear Phase on Colorado’s COVID-19 Dial. As our businesses and services come alive, please remember there is still the potential threat of the pandemic spreading throughout our communities. The new Delta variant is

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City of Edgewater Communications and Events Director Kalah Hardt

Crafting Our Community

This year, we had a unique opportunity – to say the least – to reflect on what is most important to us! We got creative and discovered innovative ways a community could function while required to be distanced from each other. We crafted new ways to connect: We met neighbors on the street during walks

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