
Nicole Beaudin sits with her dog

The Messy Path Of Alchemy

Those of you that cook or flex other creative muscles know that generally the process is messy, no matter how organized you are. Alchemizing a series of ingredients that start separate but are meant to blend to create a masterpiece, often leads to lots of dishes to clean up, amongst other potential messes. The result

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Women’s Health – The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Ladies, here’s the good: We must be doing something right. We outlive men by over five years on average in the U.S., and 75 percent of centenarians are women (National Center for Health Statistics, 2021). But what accounts for this longevity? We are good about keeping our annual checkups, completing preventative screenings and getting age-recommended

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Atrial Fibrillation Is Treatable

It seems you can’t pick up a magazine, newspaper or watch a TV show without being bombarded with ads about the risk of A-Fib. A-Fib, or atrial fibrillation, is an irregular heartbeat that puts you at a five times greater risk for stroke, as well as a greater risk of heart failure if left untreated,

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Nicole Beaudin sits with her dog

How Do You Show Up When Life Hands Over The Unexpected?

Recently a group of us planned on surprising a gal pal for her 40th birthday. Yes, it’s true, 40! Her husband initiated it. He would take care of their 2 year old, and we would kidnap her up to a cabin in Nederland. A few days prior to our unexpected arrival, we were all hit

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Children Are At Higher Risk For RSV

At Lutheran, we have a nursing unit dedicated to pediatric patients, staffed by specialists affiliated with Children’s Hospital Colorado, to support your child’s medical needs. One thing the past 18 months has left us with is a greater knowledge about respiratory-borne viruses and how to prevent their transmission. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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Nicole Beaudin sits with her dog

Coaching Is… Listening Deeply

As some of you may know, I am a certified life empowerment coach. It’s recently been brought to my attention that a lot of people don’t really know what this whole life coach thing even means. So I thought I’d spend the next few columns defining the key traits of a coach and providing tips

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Safe Summer

Goodbye restrictions, hello summer! Most of us are anxious to get back to normal and experience the wonderful Colorado outdoors and fine weather with family and friends. Medically Speaking articles are intended to focus on prevention. There is no better time to have that focus than in the summer, when accidents and mishaps can result

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Nicole Beaudin sits with her dog

Are You An ‘And’ Or An ‘Or’?

In connecting with some of my closest friends recently, the concept of “and” versus “or” has been a recurring theme. What exactly do I mean by this vague intro? I’m referring to our humanness, the dichotomy and the inherent juxtapositions that live within us. I’m sure many of you can remember being taught a version

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Dr. Aram Neuschatz of Lutheran Hospital in Wheat Ridge, CO

Men’s Life Expectancy Is Declining – Why?

We have heard it all before: eat right, exercise, quit smoking, etc. Nag me some more. June is Men’s Health Month, an opportunity to raise awareness and educate on men’s health issues, but why is that significant for you? The fact is that men’s life expectancy has been declining in comparison to women’s over the

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Nicole Beaudin sits with her dog

Cultivate Faith In You

Today, I find myself writing this article from my mom’s house in Illinois. As much as I’d rather be in your beautiful town, I know I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I am here mainly to support my mom as she figures out what’s next post my dad passing. This time at home also

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