

The Art of Prioritization

Recently I had a powerful conversation with my boyfriend that inspired this month’s article. He’s the type of man that goes all in. If a project at work needs finishing, he will work 15-hour days until he’s satisfied it’s complete. He also makes time for me, my doggo, and the kitchen reno he’s knee deep

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When Is Anxiousness An Anxiety Disorder?

Most of us have experienced the apprehension of getting behind the wheel of a car for the first time, or the nervousness of a social engagement. What if you experienced heart palpitations, restlessness, fear or worry, with daily activities?   Fear and anxiety are normal emotions in certain circumstances and can even be beneficial. But when

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Savor Your Spring

In last month’s column, I talked about the power of trusting in the magic of winter. But what happens after you practice diligent faith, allow stillness, and do all the hard work needed to get through winter? Yes, being still is hard, especially in a society wired to go go go. What if your spring

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What To Expect As Your Body Transitions To Menopause

Is it me or is it hot in here? Hot flashes are the most common symptom that women experience during the menopausal transition. Slowing egg production in the ovaries and the subsequent decline and fluctuating levels of female hormones are responsible for menopause symptoms.   If you are a woman in your 40s or 50s, your coworkers probably are not playing an April Fool’s joke on you by changing

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The Hidden Magic Of Winter

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what earth does in the winter. If all goes to plan, it makes us amazing snow to frolic in, but it often seems to drag on. This period of stillness has so much going on under the surface.  How do I know this? Trees bud, tulips pop, and

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Know The Signs, Risks And Screening For Colorectal Cancers

As the new year continues and spring approaches, it is essential to keep our health in focus. Healthy lifestyle habits and screenings are two simple ways to ensure a healthy and happy year. March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness month, and it is a good time to review facts, and understand the risk factors and screening guidelines. Colorectal

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Personal First Aid: How to Survive in Ordinary and Extraordinary Times

On 911 children attending school in lower Manhattan witnessed planes flying into the Twin Towers and the aftermath. Many were severely traumatized, experiencing nightmares and physical symptoms following the attack. Their whole world and sense of safety were shaken by what they saw.  Psychologist Dr. Cathy Malchiodi used art therapy to help them express in

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Prevention, Prevention, Prevention

President Lyndon Baines Johnson declared February as National Heart Month back in 1964. Despite all awareness efforts, heart disease remains the No. 1 cause of death in the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 80 percent of these deaths can be prevented through lifestyle changes and proper medical management. Which leads us to prevention, prevention, prevention. Perhaps the three most important

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Get Unstuck

How many of you have ever felt stuck in life or a certain area of it? It’s a horrible feeling. When I’ve been in times like that I’ve felt heavy, unclear, hopeless, unsure of where or whom to turn, desperate, frustrated, full of despair, and usually very alone. My hope is that as the year

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New Year’s Resolutions

Whether the tradition of making a new year’s resolution was started by the Babylonians or by the Romans, who made promises to the god Janus, humans have been making and breaking resolutions for a long time.  Many of us look to the new year as a time to make changes and improvements in our lives, so it

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Find the Joy in the Messy

As I’m writing your hopefully helpful article for the first month of 2023, a snowstorm, cold temperatures and gusty winds swirl around my mom’s house in Illinois. Our Christmas road trip to Minnesota to spend time with family has been postponed, and we’ve been busy kitchen bees this morning whipping up chicken wild rice soup

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Do Your Actions Match Your Words?

December’s theme was inspired by my puppy’s beginner training class. He’s already graduated kindergarten, but as I’m a first-time dog mom, the training continues. We were practicing heel around the training room with other dogs of various ages. My trainer noticed that I had the leash slightly taut while also telling my dog, “good boy.”

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Sleep Apnea Is Dangerous, Yet Treatable

It seems that talk of sleep deprivation and its ill effects is rampant. As Mick Jagger sings, “Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.” Not to mention your health. For some, the cause of interrupted, poor-quality sleep may be a treatable condition known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).   OSA occurs when the soft tissue in the throat collapses into

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Nicole Beaudin sits with her dog

Acknowledgment Is A Superpower

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the concept of acknowledgment, and how it makes us feel when we’ve been acknowledged by others and when we acknowledge ourselves. The meaning I’ll be using here is, “The action of showing that one has noticed someone or something.” I’m also not talking about the acknowledgment in, for

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Lowering Your Risk Of Dementia And Alzheimer’s

Now what was I writing about? Short-term memory loss is one of the earliest signs of dementia. We all experience forgetting someone’s name or searching for a particular word, but when forgetfulness begins to interfere with common everyday tasks, it may be time to talk to your doctor.    Dementia is a blanket term for

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Nicole Beaudin sits with her dog

How You Talk To You Matters

If you follow me on social media or receive my coaching monthly email, you may have seen that I presented a challenge to my audience at the end of September. The challenge itself is seemingly simple, switch one word of your inner dialog from negative to positive for 30 days.  It’s a challenge because we

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Women’s Health – The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Ladies, here’s the good: We must be doing something right. We outlive men by over five years on average in the U.S., and 75 percent of centenarians are women (National Center for Health Statistics, 2021). But what accounts for this longevity? We are good about keeping our annual checkups, completing preventative screenings and getting age-recommended

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E-Bike Batteries Pose Fire & Safety Hazards

E-bikes and scooters are widely seen as a mode of personal transportation with many benefits, a way to reduce urban traffic that is more affordable and “greener” for the environment. But with the growing popularity, we’re seeing an increase in the number of accidental fires across the country.  Under certain conditions, the rechargeable and lithium-ion

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Nicole Beaudin sits with her dog

What Family Story Are You Willing To Shift?

Recently I attended a family reunion on my dad’s side, the first since the pandemic began and since his passing. I was more anxious than hopeful as my mom and I boarded the plane to Vermont. My dad was idolized by many of his 50-some cousins who didn’t want to acknowledge the darker sides of

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Monkeypox – What Are The Risks?

Just as we see updated, less restrictive guidance on COVID-19 from the Centers for Disease Control regarding isolation, testing and social distancing, we now have another infectious disease spreading throughout the world. In July, the World Health Organization declared monkeypox a global health emergency, and in early August, the U.S. followed suit. WHO is tracking

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Protecting Your Pets: Have A Plan

An estimated 360,000 residential house fires occur in the U.S. every year, claiming the lives of nearly 40,000 beloved pets. And 1,000 of those fires are unintentionally started by the pets themselves. Prevention is an important part of fire safety, and so is having an escape plan to keep your family and your pet(s) safe

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In Support Of Breastfeeding

As a community hospital, Lutheran Medical Center supports growing families in the Wheat Ridge area. The Lactation Department at Lutheran helps families thrive by following the 10 Steps for Successful Breastfeeding, as defined by the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, launched by UNICEF and the World Health Organization. This includes supporting breastfeeding through education during pregnancy and

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Nicole Beaudin sits with her dog

Honoring The Gift Of A Highly Sensitive Person’s Brain

I recently realized that I experience the world in more detail than others. That was a long forty years to figure that out. My inner world is more rich, and all of my senses are heightened. I see color in more granulation, speckling lights often catch my eye. I read the energy in rooms immediately.

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A Glimpse Into Morning Star Assisted Living & Memory Care

On the site where Clancy’s pub stood for years and adjacent to Sprouts Market, you will find Morning Star Assisted Living & Memory Care. It opened about five years ago and, according to Executive Director Chad McGlothlin, it has become a “community within a community” Chad came onboard two years ago, the week before the

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