The Art of Prioritization

Nicole Beaudin

Recently I had a powerful conversation with my boyfriend that inspired this month’s article. He’s the type of man that goes all in. If a project at work needs finishing, he will work 15-hour days until he’s satisfied it’s complete. He also makes time for me, my doggo, and the kitchen reno he’s knee deep in. His schedule is full, and he’s come to the realization that as he rises in his leadership role, he needs to practice the art of prioritization.

I call it an art because it is so unique to each individual, their vision for their life, and where they are in life at that moment. When you’re used to being indispensable at work, for your parents, or even in your friend group, it’s hard to shift to nurturing a new romantic relationship, a growing family, or to make time for your health. I remember years of moving doctor appointments and skipping the gym just to ensure I would be there for a meeting with my company’s founder that would likely be canceled. My health suffered, and I only have one body. Oh and because I didn’t feel good in my skin, I didn’t really date. The cycle was endless. I still look back and wish I had better understood how to prioritize my life and my needs.

As your life shifts and changes, it’s important to gauge where your focus is most needed and make choices accordingly. This requires being fully present and a heightened sense of self-awareness. There will be mistakes and missteps, but this is just more information to help you learn and recalculate.

Have a new baby? The long-term health and wellness of that child is dependent on their nervous system feeling emotionally secure, that means work falls down a step on prioritization. Feel your health downshifting? That means you may have to carve out time on your calendar and money in your budget for appointments, body movement, and even a coach. Ready to date again? Well, you get the idea. The science that’s emerging is unanimous that each area of your life is symbiotic. A nurtured community and healthy partnership enhances longevity and success at work, and so on and so forth.

Here are a couple of great questions that help me gain clarity. What choice would bring the most ease and be the most efficient use of time? What type of behavior do I want to model to those around me? Where can I make the biggest impact towards my dreams?

Where are you ready to practice the art of prioritization? I’m an expert at asking the questions to help you get there, email me.

Email Nicole Beaudin at

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