School Crossing


New Ventures For Stevens Elementary Principal

When I was hired into the position of principal at Stevens Elementary in the spring of 2017, I honestly jumped for joy. I knew that serving this community would be a life-changing experience, and it definitely has been! The last five years have gone by so quickly, and my heart is full of treasured memories

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3 Wishes From A Local Elementary Principal

Someday, historians will look back on March 2020, and the years following, examining the way in which the world responded to an unimaginable global crisis. Toilet paper disappeared overnight, liquor stores hit an all-time high for sales, and schools closed. Historians will critically analyze how we as educators reacted to this unprecedented interruption to education. What will

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Navigating The Road To Education In Jeffco

For many families with school age children, it’s enrollment time of the year again. And while for many it will just be a repeat action, we are seeing more parents considering new options.  It wasn’t that long ago that families found themselves needing to create a classroom environment in their own homes – competing, of

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Rebuilding Jeffco Public Schools

With declining enrollment and declining academic achievement, both exacerbated by the pandemic, the Jeffco Public School’s Board of Education meeting on Nov. 10 was rough. Superintendent Tracy Dorland had two review items on the agenda: an assessment of academic functions performed by consultant Jaime Aquino, Ph.D., and the 2018 capital improvement mid-program assessment performed by

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Jeffco Schools Moving Forward

If COVID-19 has benefited us in any way, it’s shed a bright light on our district’s challenges and needs. During remote learning, parents saw what happens in their children’s classrooms. Some were pleased, while others discovered that their children were not grasping critical concepts and were falling behind. However, Jeffco’s achievement problems started long before

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Redefining Gifted And Talented

The debate over Gifted and Talented (GT) education has gone on for years. From the outside of the community, it is often expressed with questions like, “What’s the gift?”, “What’s the talent?” And even, “What makes your kid so much more special than mine?” Sometimes the complaints came from principals and teachers who wanted to

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Change of Leadership at Everitt…Again

Employees tend to want to stay in their position when you encourage them and reassure them that they are needed and that the environment and mission as promised are intact. This goes back to over a year ago when Dr. Glass (Jeffco Superintendent) and Jeena Templeton (Manning principal) planned to reinvent Everitt Middle and provide

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Local Schools Exploring K-8 Options

School districts are designed with networks and pathways, starting from daycare and pre-K, then into elementary, middle and high school. Districts need to calculate and anticipate how dollars will flow to and from schools, from year to year. Using Student Based Budgeting, principals structure spending, hiring and class sizes in their buildings. Such has been

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Local school principals Jeena Templeton of Everitt Middle, Trina Jones of Stevens Elementary and Josh Cooley of Wheat Ridge High in conversation with the Neighborhood Gazette at Right Coast Pizza

Local Principals And ‘The Wheat Ridge Advantage’

With three days left in the school year, I invited three amazing principals to meet for lunch and discuss a year they will never forget and hope to never re-live: Trina “TJ” Jones of Stevens Elementary, Jeena Templeton of Everitt Middle, and Josh Cooley of Wheat Ridge High. It was no Zoom or other digital

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