School Crossing


Why are We Paying for the Arvada Aquatics Center?

In December of 2021 the Jeffco School Board voted to partner up with the City of Arvada and APEX Recreation (funded 50% by property taxes) and build a 35 million dollar swimming facility for the residents of Arvada. This was to replace the aging Meyers Pool. Much was written about the issue. Who was footing

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The Promise of An Education

Hope is the continued belief in the ability to achieve goals and dreams, even when one is faced with challenges. I’ve experienced this first hand. I love trying new things – it’s one of my values in life. And sometimes, it can be a little scary to try them. But I’ve learned that if I

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Back to School: Essential Safety Tips for a Smooth Start

As the dog days of summer slowly recede underneath the beauty of fall leaves, we welcome back our students, teachers, and parents to another school year. While Edgewater is small, we are unique in that we have four school campuses in a city less than 0.8 square miles in size.  Our schools are unique in

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Breaking the Box: Strategies for Academic and Personal Growth

Another school year approaches, and juniors and seniors are strategizing about their post-high school lives. Many are pursuing scholarships and apprenticeships that make the next steps of the journey possible. They often want to meet everyone’s expectations of their potential. This can be accompanied by stress, fear of failure, and a drive for perfection in

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Parents Rally Around School District’s Discrimination Policy

The public comment period at the April 11 Jefferson County School Board meeting saw parents and community members rally in support of the board and district for its policies surrounding the LGBTQ+ community, in opposition to the accusations of speakers who seek to dismantle the district’s current policy, JB-R, the anti-discrimination Equal Education Opportunities for

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Jeffco Parents Rally Behind School Board’s Strong LGBTQ+ Policy

Despite the harsh weather, scores of parents and community members reached out to the Jeffco School Board during public comment to express their hope and trust in the district to stand by LGBTQ+ students by upholding the district’s JB-R policy, in addition to supporting Colorado House Bills 1039 and 1323. The March 14 meeting was

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Embracing Challenges, Changes and Cheer at Peak Expeditionary School

On the evening of Dec. 6, I pulled onto Independence Street, heading to Peak Expeditionary School’s Festivus Celebration. Midway up the road, cars were lining the sidewalks, and as I turned into the school’s driveway, the parking lot was completely full.  Having gone to Pennington Elementary (now Peak) myself and having kiddos there since 2015,

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School Consolidation Update

The Jeffco Schools consolidation process has been, simply put, tough. The merged school populations are working hard to make the best of a challenging situation but the loss of culture and community is draining for students, families and staff. The school district branded the closure process “Regional Opportunities for Thriving Schools” but I have talked

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Now and Then

It’s been years since our kids attended school, and yet we are so happy when we run into parents we met at pick up and drop off, PTA activities and more, all those years ago.  Recently Brenda Reitz had organized a meet up for parents whose children attended Prospect Valley. It was great to reunite

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Empower Students To Navigate The Logistics Of The Real World

Each phase of my education has provided several building blocks to the foundation of the person that I am today. As a college student, I often reflect and refer to these building blocks to better assess academic and personal matters. While I learned many useful lessons that I will continue to carry with me, I

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Some Thoughts On The Passing Of Prospect Valley

Healing our inner child is a concept that most of us are familiar with, unique to each person’s perspective. For me, this looked like running to Prospect Valley Elementary School, followed by sitting under the big cottonwood tree that overlooked the playground and field. I caught myself several times engulfed with nostalgia, recovering lost memories

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New Jeffco Leadership Focused On Education And Financial Transparency

Back in the 1960s, the British Prime Minister was asked what the greatest challenge is for a statesman. His famous reply has been repeated many times: “Events, dear boy, events.” In my remarks to this year’s graduates, I’ve said that In August 2019, they started high school with the same hopes, dreams and fears as

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Reimagining High School

The invitation read “Reimagining High School.” The description was too enticing to refuse. We’ve spent years complaining about our public education and here was an opportunity to be part of the conversation. It’s really the only way you’re granted an official permission to complain. It’s a snowy Saturday morning and I’m headed to the Jeffco

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Truth And Hope For Wheat Ridge Schools

Let me introduce myself. I’m Susan Miller, and I represent District Four on the Jefferson County Board of Education. So why am I here writing about Wheat Ridge? Because I’m a fiercely proud mom of four Farmer graduates. We choiced our first child into Wheat Ridge High School back in 2010, when Griff Wirth and

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Why Is Colorado Lowest In The Nation In School Immunization Rates?

When it comes to our children and the immunizations they are required to have when enrolling in school, Colorado ranks last in the United States with low rates of immunization. We’re not talking about the COVID shots but the ones that keep you from getting the measles, mumps, polio, chicken pox and pertussis. The kind

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How Are We Doing In Prepping The Next Generation?

In its usual thoughtful way, Wheat Ridge High School organized a two-day event where professionals in the community were invited to speak to high school students about their careers, occupations and jobs. All in hopes that it would answer questions, clear the way and help form a path as they studied toward graduating with a

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What’s In Store For Middle And High Schools?

The Denver school board had a list of schools to be shut down due to not meeting the minimum criteria set in their closure study. It started with 19 schools, down to 10 and then five. After further community pressure, that list was further reduced to two schools, only to be reduced to zero the

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Closures: How Did We Get Here, What Can We Do?

I’m the proud father of four WRHS Farmers. I served as the Chair and CoChair of the WRHS School Accountability Committee for five years, and have watched the interaction between Jeffco Public Schools and Wheat Ridge for a decade. Like many, I’m outraged by the proposal to close three WR elementary schools after millions in

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Wheat Ridge Schools Need Your Kids, Not Your Yard Signs

There was a time where you moved to a neighborhood and your parents would look for the nearest school and that’s where you would go. Schools were about pure education. Teaching you to write, to read and various levels of math. When families started tuning in closer to what motivated their children, they began shopping

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Janelle Jerman: Teaching Young Kids Is ‘So Much Fun’

“I love teaching because every day there’s something new,” said Janelle Jerman, a music teacher at Prospect Valley Elementary in Wheat Ridge since 2002.  “Teaching the younger kids is great because they love you no matter what,” she said. “And they’re not as self-conscious as older kids. So we can do things like dance and

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Star High School Principal Cooley Bids Wheat Ridge Goodbye

“Wheat Ridge High School is a special place.” These are the words I heard over and over again during my first month as principal on The Farm. Students, parents, staff, alumni and community members all said the same thing. To be honest, I was hesitant to believe a place could be so special. I mean,

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Second Graders’ ‘Wish For Wheels’ Comes True

On Wednesday, May 18, second grade students at Stevens Elementary started summer early by taking home a brand new bike and bike helmet, custom fit to them!  Local nonprofit Wish for Wheels, founded in 2004 by Brad Appel, treated approximately 50 second graders to new “Stevens blue” Huffy bikes. Each student got to choose a

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