Mountain View

Mountain View

Comprehensive Planning Helps Us Chart Mountain View’s Future

At the beginning of this year, the town council began the process of engaging our community in order to update the Comprehensive Plan. A plan with robust input from the community articulates a shared vision for the future and guides the town in decision making. The shared vision must be rooted in shared values. And

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Mountain View

Honoring Prior Mountain View Mayor Russell Lyon

While enjoying a stroll through our fair town to get some fresh air and savor the flowers, residents have noticed a new bench on Chase Street. The bench was placed in honor of a previous long-term mayor, who lived at the property where the bench has been placed. Russell Lyon served the town of Mountain

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Mountain View

A Love Letter To Mountain View

I ran for mayor because I enjoy Mountain View so much, but it’s never been easy to quantify exactly why. The Town Clerk told me a story today however, that helped bring it into perfect focus. A delivery person brought something to the office the other day and said, “There’s something really special about this

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Mountain View

Small Businesses: The Backbone Of Our Community

Although I always appreciated the idea in theory, I didn’t fully understand the importance of supporting small businesses until I took office as mayor and could see how critical they are to Mountain View. Our small businesses are the backbone of our town and we would not be able to function well as a municipality

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Mountain View

Feed Your Soul Fitness: Not Your Average Training Studio

Mountain View residents are lucky to be able to walk to a very special training studio, aptly named, “Feed Your Soul Fitness,” and sometimes referred to as “FYSF” for short. Owner Brandy Martin described the goals of the studio by saying, “We help busy, care-taking women feel better and be healthier with sustainable fitness &

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Mountain View

Building Permits Required For Residential Construction

In most jurisdictions, building permits are required for any type of residential construction project, large or small. This is to ensure that the project is safe and meets all applicable building codes.  The Town of Mountain View contracts with an independent company, SafeBuilt, to help with new construction, remodeling and development projects in town. This includes

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Mountain View

Yay For Town Council!

Watching our national politics these days, I can’t help wishing that the rest of the country could run more like Mountain View. There is so much “us versus them” in national politics right now, that it sometimes feels like the country has gone mad. But Mountain View is a place where the local leaders have

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Of Property Taxes And TABOR

Every tax year I receive a few calls from taxpayers asking the County Treasurer to lower or waive their property taxes for various reasons.  County treasurers does not have the legal authority to lower property taxes or waive property taxes per state law.  The Treasurer’s Office and the state of Colorado do have programs available

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Mountain View

Trash Solutions Include Many Personalized Options

Last month, the town of Mountain View experienced some waste hauler changes. I know some aspects of the new system have been difficult to navigate. It might help residents to understand that some of these changes in the trash service were inevitable. All the companies we got quotes from, including GFL, have switched to a

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Mountain View

Thank You To Our Public Works Coordinator Extraordinaire!

The Town of Mountain View is very lucky to have the services of our Public Works Coordinator, David Nugent. Readers will notice that every part of our Neighborhood Gazette content this month is related to the important work he does. And I want to take the opportunity to thank him publicly. David came to us

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Mountain View

Trash Service Changes in Mountain View

The Town of Mountain View will be making some big changes to the waste hauler services this month. Bins will be standardized, multiple sizes of bins will be offered, and composting will be added as an additional option for residents. After using GFL for many years, Mountain View Town Council recently decided to put the

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Mountain View

Constituents, Neighbors, Friends

As Mountain View mayor, community engagement is one of my highest priorities. I believe that the needs of the community should form the backbone of the work at Town Hall.  A year ago, when I first took office, I shared my plan to hold what I called, “Community Office Hours.” Each month, on the third

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Mountain View

Mountain View – Get To Know Our Town Administrative Staff

Town Clerk/Treasurer Margy Greer How long have you lived in Colorado, and how long have you been employed with the Town of Mountain View? I moved here in 1983, and have been with the town for 15 months. What did you do, prior to coming to Mountain View? Retired City Clerk from City of Lakewood

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Mountain View

Town Comprehensive Planning Outreach To Start Now

I’m very happy to share that the town of Mountain View has launched a new comprehensive planning project this month.   A comprehensive plan is a long-term guide that captures the shared vision of what a community wants to be in the future. It is a comprehensive roadmap with a set of goals and policies

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Mountain View

Mountain View To Unveil New Town Website

Every interaction between a community member and a local government is an opportunity to create a positive civic experience. After putting the project of creating a new Mountain View website out to bid, and reviewing three bids in early 2022, the Mountain View Town Council will be unveiling a new website during the first quarter

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Mountain View

Council Planning For The Future Responsibly

I wanted to take this space to share a little about the Mountain View Council’s current plans regarding three different issues: The Town Hall Remodel Council has been talking about how best to remodel Town Hall for several years now. The building has numerous problems, not the least of which is that it simply is

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Mountain View

Get To Know Our Police Department Command Leadership

Chief Steve Davis, Mountain View Police Department 1. How long have you lived in Colorado? How long have you been employed with the Town of Mountain View? I am a native of Colorado, born and raised in Boulder. I have been with the Town of Mountain View since 2018 as a police chaplain, then Chief in

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Mountain View

Code Enforcement And Fundamental Community Values

It is the policy of the Town to promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the Town and, therefore, the Town Council declares that every public nuisance shall be unlawful and shall be restrained, prevented, abated and enjoined. –Mountain View Town Code 7.01.010 This section

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Mountain View

Serving On Council Is Uniquely Rewarding

At 9:30 p.m., on Oct. 17, the town council had been – for three full hours – deeply engaged in a lively and spirited discussion about the following: the need to review appointed positions, vehicular public nuisances, why aspen trees are prohibited in town, and the 2023 budget.  By council rules, the monthly meeting cannot

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Mountain View

Did You Know? Town Code 101

New Sidewalk and Alley Clearance to Begin Section 11-01-040 of the Mountain View Town Code allows for the town to cut back any vegetation that has grown into the public right-of-way (such as the sidewalks, alleys, and streets) if the property owner does not take care of this themselves in a timely manner, after notification.

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Mountain View

Planning The Town’s 2023 Budget Is A Group Effort

One of my biggest priorities as mayor has been transparency, especially as it applies to the budget. Council, led by the Finance Committee Chair Sean Davis, has been working on the 2023 budget since their June workshop. In August, Ronny Farmer, the town’s auditor, presented the 2021 Financial Statements, pointing out that the General Fund

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Mountain View

A Year Of Events

Mountain View held many events this past year: from offering Mother’s Day flowers to residents and washing cars on Father’s Day, to our Annual Picnic at the end of the summer, it’s been a very fun and busy year at Town Hall. Memorial Day included a somber flag presentation by the CU Boulder Air Force

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Mountain View

Kids & Special Needs Dentistry Ribbon Cutting

The Town of Mountain View welcomes Lakeside Kids & Special Needs Dentistry to the community. Located at 5600 W. 44th Ave., Suite 200, Denver 80212, the business celebrated their grand opening recently. The business proudly serves infants, children and teens, as well as special needs patients of all ages.  “A visit to the dentist should

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Mountain View

Trash And Recycling Apologies In Mountain View

Some of the town residents have been experiencing problems with consistent trash and recycling pickup, and in a meeting with me, the town’s service provider, GFL, has acknowledged their efforts have fallen short of their goals. In response to my request for GFL to address the shortfalls, all residents have been given a $5 discount

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