The Value of Thinking About Our Thinking

Nicole Beaudin

As a self-described searcher and seeker I am always looking for opportunities to learn and grow. I have an insatiable curiosity that often is evidenced in my saved articles to read later and podcasts in queue. One such podcast, The Diary of a CEO, taught me a new term in a recent episode: metacognition.

Metacognition is defined as, “thinking about thinking — or the ability to monitor and control one’s cognitive processes.” In my research, many call it a superpower to living your best life and achieving your dreams, others describe it as a great way to ensure unconscious biases aren’t making decisions for you. It seems like something we all should strive to get better at. 

In my own life the more I’ve healed past trauma through therapy, energy work, and coaching, the more I’ve grown my self-awareness. As this has grown, I’ve gotten more curious with my own thinking, my reactions, and those stories that often seem to play on repeat. Becoming aware of inner programming that’s getting in our own way is the most important step to take in order to shift our lives. 

There is tremendous value to taking a pause and questioning your own thoughts and beliefs, especially if they sound super black and white and include terms like “all” or “none.” Lately, I’ve even begun to notice how some of my thoughts aren’t my own at all, but my moms, societies, marketing slogans, etc. When they flutter through my brain, I see them as almost like a cartoon moment. In recognizing that they aren’t mine they quickly flutter away. 

If you’re not used to thinking about your thinking but are curious to give it a try, below are some simple ways to grow your self-awareness. 

Take an inventory of all your negative thoughts, about yourself or others. 

Ask yourself if they are true.

Ask yourself if those thoughts support where you’re trying to go.

If they don’t, try replacing them with something that does. 

Here’s an example I’ve seen in some of my clients:

Money is bad.

If practicing metacognition they could analyze this thought using the above prompts:

Technically money is merely a tool, it’s how it’s used, that yields different results.

If they’re working to build a life of more financial freedom, empowerment, ease, and impact, this belief is a deterrent moving them farther from their dreams. 

New thought: money is a tool I use to empower me and those around me.

Did this help you become aware of a thought that may not be true? Are you ready to activate your superpower of metacognition? Let me know, I’d love to support you

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