The Gifts in Embracing Discomfort

Nicole Beaudin

A few weeks ago I jotted down the intuitive nudge I received on this month’s column. Today, as I sit down to write and edit, I’m realizing the irony of this December headline. December for many is a season of gift giving, and I’m being guided to show how embracing discomfort is indeed a wonderful gift even if it makes us want to roll our eyes.

I don’t want to waste words or your time in talking about how gift giving or receiving can be uncomfortable for many. Personally, receiving is something I’m working on, but has notoriously given me great discomfort. Then there’s the stress of getting just the right thing for your favorite people. Instead I’m going to focus the rest of the column on how nurturing ourselves to do things that are out of our comfort zone, but get us to our dreams is where the real magic happens. 

Over the last few months, I’ve identified areas of my business that are holding me back from the impact I seek to make. I’m not visible enough, I didn’t have enough professional pictures of me, my website could use a refresh and an SEO uplevel, I didn’t have business cards, my local community didn’t really know me or what I offer, and there are very few videos featuring me. 

All of the above may seem simple to many of you, but even just typing that list makes me want to crawl into a corner and hide forever. You can’t see this through my words, but I was never trained in how to pose or act, so I can come across awkwardly. My highly sensitive wiring makes meeting new people and saying just the right thing scary. Growing up with parents who didn’t really ever see me has made it hard for me to see myself, showcase my strengths and pitch myself. But in order to cross the bridge to where I want to go, I needed to make all of the above happen, discomfort or not. 

The gifts I’ve found? Practicing has made all of this come with more ease to me. Choosing the right businesses has also helped. But really, as I polish my inner diamond through the pressure of discomfort, I’m shining brighter and more authentically. My confidence is growing, and I’m more rooted in me and my mission. I’ve met amazing people. I’ve honed and re-honed my pitch. I’m inspired and have more days filled with hope than not. I have a hunch there are more gifts to come.

Where is discomfort getting in the way of your dreams coming true? What’s one action you could take to shift this? Let me know

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