Out of Left Field

Nicole Beaudin

What do you do when life throws you an opportunity that is amazing but definitely wasn’t in the master plan? Do you gather information and move forward one step at a time to see if it could be right, or do you see it as something to fear?

I am reminded of the saying that goes something like, “When man plans, God laughs.”

In coaching and reiki, I was taught to have a vision and why behind how I want to live my life and the legacy I want to leave but to allow room for the universe’s artistic hand. When we are so rigid with our plan and how it’s executed, we miss out on important details, adventures, and opportunities. This rigidity literally puts blinders on our vision, making it harder for us to see better choices that might seem to veer us off the path, but really it’s a better way. 

Matt recently had an opportunity reach out to him that was definitely not on the radar. I received a text mid-June asking what I thought of Phoenix, AZ. Never have I ever thought of living in Phoenix, but there was something that felt kismet about this non-plan option. I replied, “With you, life is an adventure, why not?”

He continued to learn more and as scary as it is, it feels like the hand of God enabling bigger and better opportunities. 

During a part of the process he was struggling with what to do, because this really wasn’t on the map of his life. I asked him what choice would take him closer to his dream of owning his own brewery and meadery one day. With a deep knowing in his voice he said Arizona. 

My life has definitely not gone to plan, and I have a sinking suspicion it never will. Yes, sometimes I struggle with the things I don’t yet have that have come so easy for others. But mostly, I am incredibly grateful. God, the Universe, whatever you choose to believe in always seems to level-up what I thought was possible. 

Even writing this article and connecting with each of you for the last few years has been such a gift. I was hoping to live in Colorado but ended up staying longer in Illinois helping my mom and then falling in love. None of this was a part of the plan, but all of it was and still is a beautiful opportunity. 

Hopefully, Colorado is the stop after next for us. 

What’s one thing you’ve always dreamt of? Has the universe been delivering you opportunities to make it real that you just aren’t letting yourself see? Let me know nicole@eloiandstella.com. 

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