It’s Enrollment Time Again

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It’s that time of year again…school choice. This is the time of year when some families are busy attending school information nights and looking at the Jeffco School Insights website to decide which schools might be a good fit for their student. We are lucky that Wheat Ridge has great school options including traditional neighborhood schools, expeditionary schools, and charter schools. The school enrollment process can be confusing to navigate, so we have provided this overview as a good place to start. 

The Jeffco public schools Round 1 enrollment window for the 2025-2026 school year runs from December 5, 2024 until January 17, 2025. New and returning students will need to partake in the enrollment process at You can apply to a maximum of three schools (five schools for preschool applicants) within the district for enrollment, with priority given to students who live within the school boundaries first, and additional spaces determined by a lottery system. There is no priority based on when applications are submitted during the first enrollment period. If you miss the first enrollment window, you may apply during Round 2 starting January 23rd. When the enrollment windows have closed, students will receive enrollment offers or will be placed on school waitlists. Once you receive an offer, you will have three days to accept or decline. If you accept an offer at a school, you will not lose your place on other school waitlists. However, you will forfeit your spot at your assigned neighborhood school if you accept an offer from a different school and will have to reapply if you change your mind.  Once families start accepting or declining offers, waitlists move a lot, and it is possible to get a spot at a school after being placed on the waitlist. Good luck!

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