Heart Sharing And Bravery Go Hand In Hand

Nicole Beaudin sits with her dog
Nicole Beaudin

As I stare at my laptop hoping to give you a February article that inspires and guides you on your way to happy, my brain keeps swirling on all the topics I could cover. Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year, intentions of yours that were beautifully shared with me, and intentions of mine that I’ve yet to share with you. 

My heart, on the other hand, keeps centering on the intertwining concepts of bravery, power and vulnerability. Life has taught me in these past years to absolutely, always listen to my heart. In this instance, my heart knows that all the topics my brain wants to cover can be summed up more deeply. 

The year of the water tiger swept in with the new moon on Feb. 1. This water tiger represents bravery that connects the world. When I think of the word valentine, I think of valiant. The Latin origin valentia means strength. 

Heart sharing and bravery go hand in hand. The more bravely we choose to authentically share and connect, the more love we let in, the more freedom we experience from our own shackles, the more we step into our own authentic power, the happier we become regardless of what life tosses our way. As we share more of us, more of our story, we allow our tribe to find us and we connect in a way that feels safe and supported.

One reader bravely shared with me how choosing a mantra for each year rather than a resolution changed his life and rewired his brain. I am in awe of him and his amazing story. This year he’s choosing a mantra that reminds him to roll with it. Whenever I watch surfers, I see their power comes from their ability to roll with it. What they do requires strength, inner trust and agility. If they tried to stiffly control everything, they’d lose all power and stumble. 

Me? Recently I’ve named my three main why’s behind all I do, my operating credo: freedom, empowerment and love. Exuding and living this while empowering others to do the same. This February’s key themes and my credo weave in perfectly with my own intention for 2022: I am powerful and capable. 

What’s one gift or natural talent you have that’s been pulling at you, nudging you to share it more broadly? How can you cultivate that gift this year? How can you use it to connect? What would you need to feel safe to share? 

I’d love to hear it and connect with you more in the process, email me at nicole@eloiandstella.com. Emails from you bring me great joy and an overwhelming sense of gratitude. This is the gift in authentic connection.

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