Embrace The Season That You’re In

Nicole Beaudin

I learned a concept that I found so helpful recently, I knew I just had to share it with you. It crosses and impacts every area of life, and by some twist of fate connects perfectly to last month.

It’s the idea that everything has seasons, just like earth. I mean everything. An event, a meeting, a business, a relationship, me writing this article. A long cold winter is definitely a great way to explain writer’s block. Then I anticipate how the article will impact you, just like I do the fresh growth of spring.

The trick is to know what season you’re in, and go against the grain of the world, and honor it. By doing so you’re allowing yourself to go with the flow rather than against it. You find easier momentum, you rejuvenate and train your muscles so you can rush forward when the time is right. 

When we honor the energy behind the season, we’re better able to calibrate our own needs and our nervous systems, finding success in the moment. 

Take an event for example. You’re choosing to attend an event where you’ll meet a lot of new people, and you’re excited about the topic. Regardless of how you feel there’s still a lot of anticipatory energy. Your nervous system gets dysregulated because new is scary to our survival mechanisms. This is the spring energy of the event. 

After an hour or two you find yourself settling in. You’re feeling more comfortable, the summer routine is here. Then the event begins to wind down, things fall away, there’s an anticipation of the end of the event. It’s time to say goodbye, winter arrived. Everyone heads home to integrate what they learned and experienced.

Many of our relationships are like this too. Even with family. We may reach a point where we need to experience winter with certain people in our lives. An awareness comes to us through healing. We realize that that relationship often leaves us feeling heavy. When we allow what needs to fall away to fall and then integrate what we’ve learned through a winter, spring does come on the other side. Either in a better boundaried and more authentic relationship with that person or a new person that all of a sudden shows up in our lives. 

The trick is knowing yourself enough and standing in your self-worth to honor your needs, and to pair that with an understanding of what season you’re experiencing. 

Is there an area of your life that you feel stuck and not your best in? Can you identify its season and a next step based on that? I’d love to help nicole@eloiandstella.com. 

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