Cultivate Faith In You

Nicole Beaudin sits with her dog
Nicole Beaudin

Today, I find myself writing this article from my mom’s house in Illinois. As much as I’d rather be in your beautiful town, I know I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I am here mainly to support my mom as she figures out what’s next post my dad passing. This time at home also enables me to save money while I build a solid foundation in my new career as a life coach and food entrepreneur. It is not easy on me, though, to return home after twenty-ish years away.

I wade through these more challenging times like a gardener trusts rains will bring forth the crops she can’t yet see. That gardener relies on skill but also the habit of faith. This is a tool I’ve had to sharpen and use extensively this last year. I have always been a spiritual person, but the faith I’m referring to is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Like a gardener who doesn’t dig up her seeds to see if they’re growing, I’ve been cultivating faith. Faith in myself, my gifts, my habits, my why, the earth, and the energy that surrounds and connects each of us.

My faith has ebbed and flowed over the years. At my lowest moments, I have been angry at the universe, lacked trust in myself, and put myself through challenging situations because I believed I had to earn my worth. These lows have taught me that faith is not a given, but must be used and sharpened, tested and strengthened.

Becoming a certified life coach was a test of faith. It was not on my plan, and it was more money than I had been comfortable spending. I asked myself a lot of questions, and I listened to the answers from my heart. Is this what I need right now and is it for my highest and best good? Will I learn new tools? Will this be worth it? My heart quietly and valiantly answered yes. I asked a trusted friend. She asked strategic business questions. When will this investment in you pay for itself? She listened to my answers and more about the program, and from her heart answered, “This sounds perfect for you.”

Fast forward seven months, learning with Nancy Levin has been life altering in the most magical way possible. I am a better me, I have better tools, and I was surrounded by nurturing, intelligent humans that each wanted each other to thrive. And in the process, my faith is more rooted than it’s ever been.

Where in your life can you cultivate more faith in you? Feel free to share with us by emailing

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