John Beltrone


State Ballot Measures

Last year, Edgewater voters had to navigate through 14 state and county ballot questions. Fortunately, this year there are only two, both referred by the state legislature. Proposition HH is the more important of the two as it will significantly impact property taxes and Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) refunds. TABOR constitutionally limits the amount

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Land Use Policy And Our Future

Edgewater 2040 ~ Planning Our Future Together is the new name of our 2023 Comprehensive Plan. The name captures the important task we have in front of us: to design a community road map that empowers Edgewater to build a more vibrant community.  The next phase of this all-encompassing comprehensive plan process will include in-depth

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Boosting Smart Technology In Edgewater

Have you installed a smart device in your home? Perhaps you have a smart thermostat to save energy, a smart doorbell for enhanced security, or a smart speaker to enjoy your favorite tunes. These technologies can make individuals’ lives better, and the same can be done for cities. Smart cities use intelligent technology, connected devices and

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2023 Plans For The City of Edgewater

After a productive 2022, city council held its biannual retreat in January to strategize for 2023. We discussed the city manager’s annual work plan, which covers staff goals for the year as well as city council’s priorities for the next six months.  A recurring theme at the retreat was the city’s ongoing efforts to become

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Welcoming The Molholm Elementary Community To Edgewater

On Nov. 10, the Jefferson County School Board voted to close 16 elementary schools in the district, including Molholm Elementary, at the end of the 2022-23 school year. The closures are largely a result of a county-wide, school-age population decline of nearly 30,000 over the past 20 years. The school is officially consolidating with Lumberg

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Get Proactive About Preparedness

Greetings Edgewater! September brings not only cooler weather but also National Preparedness Month, a time to review your family’s plan in case a disaster or emergency should occur. I took stock of what the city has done to prepare, and can report that the City of Edgewater and the Edgewater Police Department are well prepared

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Water-Wise Turf Transitions

Walking around Edgewater this spring and summer, I have noticed a remarkable transformation taking place. More and more, residents are making the decision to remove all or part of their grass lawns. The transition away from grass lawns has allowed many to express their creativity through new and exciting landscapes. Stunning blends of flowers, raised

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The Edgewater Pride Parade

Some of the best ideas are born out of difficult circumstances. The start of the pandemic presented many challenges, including figuring out how our community would continue to celebrate together. Despite the limitations at the time, the ingenuity of a few community members created what we now know today as the Edgewater Pride Parade.  Like

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City Hall Listening Sessions

As the warm weather continues, and the limitations on meeting face to face lessen, the city council and myself are interested in providing additional opportunities to engage with the Edgewater community. As your governing body, we are very interested in hearing from the residents and one of our focus areas this year is to provide

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Edgewater City Council Priorities

With winter in full swing, I hope that everyone is getting a chance to enjoy the season and the peacefulness of an Edgewater finally covered in snow.  At a recent city council retreat, our board got much-needed time to talk about community priorities and strategize on how best to address them. Insights gained during the

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