Legacy: A Gift Passed Down Through Generations

In an ever changing and evolving city like Wheat Ridge the concept of legacy holds a special significance. As I reflect on my family’s roots in this community, I am reminded of the rich tapestry of history and tradition that shapes our identity. Recently, during a visit to Ridgefest with my family, I witnessed a poignant moment that made me ponder the essence of legacy. 

At the event, my children stopped by Wheat Ridge’s Let’s Talk booth, asked to share their thoughts on what matters most to them in the city’s development plans. My son Brandon voiced his passion for bike and pedestrian safety. Days later, he continued to express his convictions, sparking me to think about the lasting impact of our actions on future generations. 

Hailing from a lineage deeply rooted in Wheat Ridge, with both my grandfather and father having served in the city government as well as owning and operating B&F Tire Company on 38th Avenue for over six decades, I have been ingrained with a profound sense of stewardship towards our community. Witnessing the dedication and pride they instilled in their business and surroundings; I recognized the enduring legacy they cultivated. Their commitment to enhancing Wheat Ridge, not only for our family but for all residents, still serves as a guide for me.  

Now as a father myself and seeing so many of the people I grew up with returning to Wheat Ridge to raise their families, It is not hard to see why families would choose Wheat Ridge to raise their children. Children grow up traveling familiar streets, frequenting beloved parks, and embracing the values and traditions like the Carnation Festival and Ridgefest. 

I think it is important that we continue to build a Wheat Ridge that our children and their children will take pride in calling their home for many future generations. We have many opportunities over the coming year to make decisions that will help ensure that Wheat Ridge is a legacy we can leave to future generations, like it was left to us. Participating in the many city planning efforts going on is a big step in making sure your voice is heard. You can see updates and give feedback at WhatsupWheatRidge.com   

The legacy we leave behind is not merely a matter of material possessions, accolades or names on a wall; it is a testament to the values we hold dear and the impact we create in the lives of others. As we strive to build a better future for Wheat Ridge, let us remember that our actions today will ripple through time, shaping the destiny of generations yet to come.

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