Your Life is Now

Guy Nahmiach, Publisher of the Neighborhood Gazette

“24 and there’s so much more” sang Neil Young, and that’s how I feel about this new year. If it’s one thing I learned in 2023 is that there are no promised tomorrows. 

Appreciate your friends, leave nothing unsaid, plant that tree, buy those chickens. Build that shed. Forget that permit. Take that vacation. Ask her out. Tell him you love him. Learn a new skill. Start a new career. Smile at strangers, try that new wine. Stop waiting for a sign or permission. 

What’s preventing us from being bold? We’re left wishing for change, for a “do over.” We pray and meditate, get coaching tips on our mindset, listen to Tony Robbins for inspiration on ways to improve ourselves. We wait for a jolt or life altering experience. We use drugs and consume alcohol in hopes of a different perception. People will make quick and important decisions about everything around them. Their cars, homes, clothes, toys and so much more. Yet when it comes to themselves, they contemplate, procrastinate and hesitate. As John Mellencamp sang: “This is Your Time. Your Life is Now.” This is the year to live it.

So proud of Chief Murtha and his WRPD team to start our year with solving the gruesome murder of our friend Peter Arguello on Nov 29th. They’ve lowered car thefts and overall crime in our city. I’m looking forward to our interview next month with the Chief as he shares his department wins and goals for the coming year. 

There is no doubt that staying positive is going to be even more of a challenge this election year. Already on social media we read the hard core keyboard warriors from both sides of the spectrum, displaying their righteous and unwavering opinions. From bicycles to migrants, taxes to the environment, housing to traffic. Disagree with them and you will be shamed and accused of being a terrible human being. 

Sensible people understand that respecting another’s opinion will have yours respected as well. Can we start accepting that there is more than just one solution to each of the challenges we face today?

Finally, I am super excited about this summer’s rebranded Edgewater Music Festival (formerly the Blues and BBQ Festival) on June 22.

All proceeds going to Habitat for Humanity. As a board member I’m proud to have helped raise another $30,000 this past summer for such a great cause. After 26 years we’ve donated over half a million dollars to an organization that promotes and helps better housing solutions to so many communities. This summer’s festival is themed Summer of Love. Look for our art contest related to this festival coming up in our March issue.

As always, thanks for reading.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Neighborhood Gazette or its staff.

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