Winterizing Your Ride: Tips from a Local Mechanic

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Operating for decades, Gary Bryan of Wheat Ridge Auto Services doesn’t run his shop like chain auto establishments. 

“We’re busy enough, we don’t need to do work that doesn’t need to be done,” Bryan jokes. He doesn’t refer to a checklist but instead addresses individual repairs the car needs. 

Working on cars of all ages, Bryan believes that tune ups may be a practice of the past in newer vehicles. With advancements like modern iridium spark plugs and increased electronic components, cars need less routine maintenance, he says. 

In line with his philosophy on car repairs, Bryan isn’t intimidated by preparing vehicles for the Colorado winter months. He offers a handful of suggestions for a smooth ride into winter. 

Antifreeze and fluid levels 

Stock up your car with a quality antifreeze. While you have the hood up, checking the other fluid levels can be helpful. Vehicle liquids are generally checked during routine oil changes. 

Tires with traction

Check tire tread to determine if new tires are needed. Tires with adequate tread provide traction in icy winter conditions. Generally tires last between three and five years, depending on driving factors. 


Likely vehicle heaters and defrosters were unused during warmer months. Tests before the weather turns too cold can prevent uncomfortable or dangerous rides down the road. 

Emergency essentials

Whether it be a long commute or winter adventuring, an essentials pack is helpful to handle winter conditions that may strand passengers. A portable phone charger, non-perishable foods, first aid kits and blankets are tools that could be helpful during a winter emergency. 


An old school hack, sandbags, or other heavy objects, placed in the back of rear-wheel drive vehicles distribute the weight and lessens the possibility of fishtailing and sliding on icy roads. Another added perk to using sandbags, is sand can be spread on icy patches to increase traction, in an emergency. 


“When it’s really hot, or really cold, batteries can fail, quicker than otherwise,” Bryan said. Battery cables may also need replacement, if they are worn out. Both a dead car battery and damaged battery cables can result in the car not starting. 

Bryan has an easy going approach to winterizing vehicles, while considering each vehicle and situation will need different preparations. Byran knows he has minimal winter preparation for his car, with a short commute to work, he said. Depending on the age of the car and its parts, and the type of winter driving needed, winter vehicle preparation may vary. 

Wheat Ridge Auto Services, open Monday through Thursday 8 to 5, accepts customers on a first come first serve basis and is located at 9205 W 44th Ave. in Wheat Ridge. 

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