Who (and How!) Are You Going to Call?


If there’s something strange in your neighborhood…  well, we hope it’s not too strange, but if you ever need the police, you might wonder exactly who to call—and how!

Mountain View residents are sometimes surprised when they dial the non-emergency number and end up speaking with someone at the Jefferson County Communication Center instead of a local officer. That’s because our town contracts with the same dispatch service (Jeffcom) that all our neighboring agencies use as well—it helps us respond to calls more efficiently and keeps things running smoothly.

But the best way you can help us (besides waving hello when you see us around town) is by using the right phone number for the right situation. It makes a big difference in getting officers where they need to be, keeping accurate records, and ensuring everyone gets the right level of response.

• Call 911 for anything life-threatening or serious.

• Call (303) 271-0211 for all other police matters.

Now, when you dial that non-emergency number, you might hear a recording offering to text you a link where you can report your issue online. That’s just an option—think of it like the self-checkout at the grocery store. If you prefer the traditional method, just hang tight and an actual human will pick up.

Jeffcom911 designed this system to speed things up and reduce errors—kind of like preventing that classic game of “telephone,” where a simple message like “lost dog” somehow turns into “giant frog” by the end of the chain. By allowing you to enter details directly online, we cut out extra steps and get the right info to responding officers ASAP.

But if you’d rather talk, no worries! Just stay on the line, and someone will assist you.

Thanks for helping us – help you! And remember—if there’s something weird and it don’t look good… well, you should probably call us, not the Ghostbusters.

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