Wheat Ridge City Plan Engagement Continues

Wheat Ridge Mayor Bud Starker
Wheat Ridge Mayor Bud Starker

This past April, we embarked on an exciting journey together to shape the future of our beloved Wheat Ridge through the development of our new City Plan. This comprehensive plan is more than just a document—it’s a shared vision that will guide our community for the next 20 years, reflecting our values, priorities, and hopes for the future. From land use and transportation to housing and economic growth, the City Plan will serve as the foundation for many important decisions in the years ahead.

So far, we’ve made significant progress, thanks to your active participation. In the first phase of our planning process, many of you shared your thoughts on what makes Wheat Ridge special and where we can improve. This valuable input helped us identify the aspects of our community that we cherish and those we want to enhance.

As we moved into the second phase in June, the focus shifted to evaluating draft core values, planning principles, and priorities. These key elements will be instrumental in guiding our city’s future decisions. I’m thrilled to report that both phases saw robust community involvement, with over 120 residents attending our first open house and 140 joining us for the second. Our online engagement was even more impressive, with nearly 400 of you participating in our surveys. Your enthusiasm and commitment to this process have been inspiring.

Now, we are preparing for the most hands-on phase yet—phase three. This is where we’ll dig deeper into the specifics, discussing how our core values and planning principles will be realized throughout Wheat Ridge. We’ll explore important questions like how we can better support local businesses, where we should connect our commercial areas with parks and open spaces, and what land uses make sense for sites like the former Kullerstrand and Wilmore-Davis elementary schools.

I invite each of you to join us for the next project open house on Tuesday, September 17, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center. This will be a great opportunity to share your thoughts, connect with neighbors, and play a direct role in shaping the future of our city. There’s no formal presentation, so feel free to drop by anytime during the event.

If you’re unable to attend, you can still contribute by taking our online survey at whatsupwheatridge.com/city-plan, or request a paper survey by contacting the project team at 303-205-7520 or lets-talk@ci.wheatridge.co.us.

Together, let’s continue to build a vibrant future for Wheat Ridge. Thank you for being an active part of this important process.

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