And Now For Something Completely Different (From The Historical Society)!
Normally, the Wheat Ridge Historical Society’s Second Saturday Socials feature themes that have something to do with history or holidays. Instead of talking history Sept. 10, they’re going to be making history at the first-ever Dogs on Display event.
Come to the Baugh House at 44th Avenue and Robb Street (across the street from Prospect Park) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for canine contests like “Musical Sit” where dogs and their owners march in a circle until the music stops; the last dog to sit is disqualified. Another competition sure to be a crowd pleaser is the “Leave-it Race.” In order to win, dogs on leashes walk down a lane to the finish line but must pass a plate of hot dogs mid-way without stopping for a snack. Other competitions will include a Costume Parade, Most Congenial, Best Trick, Biggest and Smallest.
And that’s not all! They’ve invited vendors from all over Wheat Ridge. Trainers, groomers, pet-shop owners, veterinarians and adoption services will have a special area to display their wares and offer coupons and samples.
The event is free for WRHS members and $10 per dog for non-members. All dogs must pre-register by emailing a request to by Sept. 2 and put “Dogs on Display” in the subject line to receive registration information and guidelines for the day. All owners must provide a current rabies-shot record at registration and sign a waiver. All dogs must be on a leash at all times in accordance with city policies.
If that’s not enough, fall approaches, and so does Apple Cider Day, this year on Saturday, Oct. 9 at the Historical Park from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring your apples and containers and leave with fresh apple juice.
Wheat Ridge Welcomes Amanda Harrison as Communications and Engagement Manager

The City of Wheat Ridge recently announced the hiring of Amanda Harrison as Communications and Engagement Manager, a position city council has prioritized over the last three years.
“Amanda is a passionate marketing and communications professional whose 10 years of experience will be instrumental in keeping Wheat Ridge’s residents informed about our strategic plans and priorities for the future,” said Director of Administrative Services Allison Scheck in a recent release.
Harrison comes from Detroit, where she served as the communications manager for the Detroit Institute of Arts, one of the top five encyclopedic museums in North America. She provided visionary leadership and strategic counsel for determining priorities, goals, and objectives to ensure community outreach efforts were effective and timely. She hosted a live weekly program called Thursdays at the Museum, and played an instrumental role in the museum’s successful millage renewal campaign.
Simultaneously, Harrison served as an elected official for the City of Rochester. As a council member, Harrison served on the city’s budgeting committee, helped oversee the development of the city’s strategic plan, and represented Rochester on the CMNtv Board.
The City of Wheat Ridge began looking for a communications manager after Public Information Officer Sara Spaulding resigned last May.
Harrison will be responsible for outgoing communications from the city, brand management, public relations, website and social media initiatives, content development and acts as the city’s main spokesperson.
Local Businesses Celebrate Openings With Ribbon Cuttings

FOOTHILLS CREDIT UNION CUT THE RIBBON for its corporate headquarters building on Aug. 3, joined by City of Wheat Ridge officials, as well and local business people. PHOTO COURTESY STEVE ART
JULY 6 FEATURED A CELEBRATION FOR OM THERAPY, 6656 W. 38th Ave. The new business offers massage and acupuncture services. Cutting the ribbon were Wheat Ridge Mayor Bud Starker, Wheat Ridge councilors Janeece Hoppe, Judy Hutchinson and Korey Stites, and owner Jen Oderaka, along with Wheat Ridge Business Association and Wheat Ridge Chamber of Commerce members and fellow business owners. PHOTO COURTESY STEVE ART
ONYX ACUPUNCTURE & INTEGRATIVE HEALTH owner Layne Bronson cut the ribbon with Wheat Ridge Mayor Bud Starker, Wheat Ridge councilors Janeece Hoppe, Judy Hutchinson and Korey Stites at a July 6 ceremony at the 6690 W. 38th Ave. acupuncture services establishment. Also pictured: members of Wheat Ridge Business Association and Wheat Ridge Chamber of Commerce. PHOTO COURTESY STEVE ART
Wheat Ridge To Honor Business Award Winners At Sept. 29 Breakfast
The City of Wheat Ridge will honor the winners of this year’s Business Appreciation Awards at its 18th Annual Business Appreciation Awards breakfast, on Sept. 29, hosted by mayor Bud Starker, according to a release from the city.
Award categories and nominees are:
• Business of the Year – a business that exemplifies the “Best in Business” that represents the values of the community: Clancy’s Irish Pub, Hickory Baked Ham Company, Megan’s Place, Prosmile Dental, Vitruvian Fitness, Wheat Ridge Living Magazine and Wheat Ridge Poultry and Meats.
• Reinvestment Award – businesses that have made a significant investment in its property, improved the overall appearance of the site, maintained property at the highest standards, or updated their building in a manner to make it more marketable: Applejack Wine and Liquor, Foothills Credit Union, Gold’s Marketplace and New Image Brewery.
• Cultural Commission Award – a business that has made an impact on the community through promoting/encouraging culture and the arts, promoting awareness of the city’s cultural activities, diversity, and heritage, supporting opportunities in art education for all ages, or incorporating art into the architecture and design of their building.
Additional awards include:
• City Council’s Partnership Award, recognizing a company for their overall contributions to the city. It incorporates criteria from all award categories as well as contributions in volunteerism, leadership and community investment/involvement.
• Mayor’s Partnership Award, recognizing a person or company for their overall contributions. It incorporates criteria from all award categories as well as contributions in volunteerism, leadership, and community investment, but must also include involvement with the mentoring, training and partnering with youth.
City Council and the Mayor’s Partnership awards are selected independently by city council, the mayor, the Wheat Ridge Business Association (WRBA), and the Wheat Ridge Cultural Commission; therefore, there is not a nominee list but only a single winner.
• WRBA annual Member of the Year Award, honoring the top member of the WRBA for their efforts to improve/enhance business in Wheat Ridge as well as promote the association.
• Rising Star Award, honoring a WRBA member who has shown growing leadership throughout the year.
Wheat Ridge Chamber of Commerce (Award), presented to one of its members for continued support of the chamber.
Wheat Ridge Sustainability Award, a new presentation from the Sustainable Wheat Ridge Committee honoring a business that has adopted a sustainability program and best practices. Nominees are 5 Fridges Farm, Colorado Plus and Wheelie Bean Coffee.
For more information, contact Steve Art, economic development manager at 303-235-2806 or
Novavax Vaccine Against COVID-19 Now Available At Jeffco Public Health
Jefferson County Public Health recently announced the availability of a new kind of COVID-19 vaccine at its Lakewood clinic, at 645 Parfet St.
According to JCPH, the new vaccine, called Novavax, is a protein-based vaccine, like other routine immunizations such as pertussis, tetanus, shingles and hepatitis B. It is different from the other COVID-19 vaccines, which are viral vector or mRNA-based.
“The Novavax vaccine contains a small amount of synthetic spike protein as well as an ingredient called an adjuvant, which works to boost your immune system. These two components then work hand-in-hand to teach your body how to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19,” said Dr. Sarah Rowan, Medical Director at JCPH. “Because of the protein-based technology, this vaccine looks a bit more like many of the vaccines we are more familiar with, and it’s been found to be highly effective.”
The Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention authorized the Novavax vaccine for use in July, but only recently did the vaccine become available in Colorado. Aug. 15-19 was the first week the clinic at JCPH has had the Novavax brand available.
Similar to other vaccines against COVID-19, Novavax requires a two-dose series, spaced 3-8 weeks apart. The vaccine is only available for adults ages 18 and older.
“We are excited to be able to offer the new Novavax vaccine at JCPH, and we are hopeful that it can provide a beacon of hope and a path to better protection for the folks in our community who may have been hesitant about receiving an mRNA vaccine,” said Christine Billings, Director of Emergency Preparedness and Infectious Disease at JCPH. “We know that vaccination against COVID-19 remains our best line of defense, and we want to celebrate any way we can help more folks get vaccinated safely, effectively and quickly before we head back into fall, a time we know respiratory diseases spread more easily.”
The Novavax vaccine is available now at the JCPH clinic; its COVID-19 walk-in clinic is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to noon, and 1-5 p.m. Other COVID-19 vaccines, including Pfizer and Moderna (ages 6 months and older) and Johnson & Johnson (ages 18 and older) are also available.
To learn more about the Novavax vaccine, visit CDPHE’s website:
Tips On Dealing With Poor Air Quality Days This Summer
Each summer, Jefferson County, along with the entire Denver metropolitan area, faces challenges when it comes to clean, healthy and safe air. During this time of year, when the climate is hot and dry, air quality can worsen and make normal, day-to-day activities outdoors riskier. That’s why Jefferson County Public Health reminds residents of some simple steps they can take to protect themselves from poor air quality, as well as what they can do to help.
One of the most prevalent causes of poor air quality in Colorado is ground-level ozone. This air pollutant is formed when source emissions such as those from vehicles, industry, certain household products, and lawn and garden equipment combine with sunlight on hot, dry and stagnant summer days. Another major concern in Colorado is smoke from wildfires, which can irritate the respiratory system and worsen chronic heart and lung diseases.
While poor air quality is unsafe for everyone, there are several groups of people who are at higher risk of more severe health concerns, including people with heart or lung diseases (including asthma), older adults, children and infants. It is also well documented that residents in disproportionately impacted communities feel these effects to a higher degree.
When air quality is poor, JCPH encourages residents to take the following steps to protect their health:
• Spend more time indoors, where wildfire smoke and ozone levels are lower.
• Exercise indoors. If you must exercise outdoors, choose easier activities like walking instead of running so you don’t breathe as hard.
• Plan outdoor activities at times when ozone levels are lower, which is usually in the morning and evening.
In addition, there are some simple steps everyone can take to improve air quality during the summer months – and all year long:
• Skip two car trips each week and replace them with other ways to get around, like walking, riding a bike or using an e-scooter.
• If you have to drive, combine car trips. For example, pick one day each week to run errands. You can also carpool with others to reduce cars on the road.
• Telework when possible. Working from home can be a great way to reduce car trips and air pollution.
• Avoid idling. When you are stopped for more than 60 seconds, turn your engine off to prevent pollution and save on gas.
• Mow your lawn after 5 p.m. to prevent ground-level ozone.
• Refuel your car after 5 p.m. and “stop at the click” to prevent gasoline vapors from turning into air pollution.
• Order online and bundle deliveries for after 5 p.m. to reduce car trips.
To stay informed on the air quality near you, JCPH offers an air quality alert system. Jeffco residents can sign-up to receive air quality alerts from JCPH via text or email. On the NotifyMe webpage, scroll down to “Alert Center.” Select “Air Quality Alerts from Public Health” and enter your phone number and/or email address.