Turn Your Apples Into Cider At Wheat Ridge Historical Society’s Second Saturday Social, Oct. 14
Join the Wheat Ridge Historical Society for an old-time favorite Second Saturday Social, Apple Cider Day, Oct. 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Historical Park, 4610 Robb St. You supply the apples, some clean containers and a donation for the service. As you crank, the apples (cores, blemishes and all) disappear into the hopper, and come out as golden cider! You take home the cider, and nearby farm animals get their fill of the leftover apple mash.
Stop by the applesauce booth and watch stewed apples turn into velvety apple sauce when forced through a large cone-shaped sieve. Listen to or sing along with local musicians, enjoy our craft demonstrations, and challenge the kids to various lawn games. We’ll also have plenty of snacks and bottled water. Relax and talk with other locals and Historical Society members and learn a little local history. Tour the museums and see what life was like for families newly arrived in the mid-1800s and how living in this area changed by the 1880s and beyond.
The Historical Park museums are open Fridays, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and on other days by appointment.
For more information go to our website at wheatridgehistoricalsociety.org, email us at wrhistorical@gmail.com, call 303-421-9111, or stop by the White Family Home at the Red Brick House Fridays at 4610 Robb St. Be sure to like us on Facebook.
Additional Work Approved for Wadsworth Boulevard
The City of Wheat Ridge announced last month additional funding is now available to construct permanent improvements at the south end of the Wadsworth corridor, focused on the 38th Avenue intersection.
The additional work is part of the Wadsworth Improvement project, which broke ground in late 2021, according to an Aug. 21 statement from the city. The project includes modernizing and improving Wadsworth from 35th Avenue to I-70, with efficient and safe intersection designs, safer entrances and exits for vehicles accessing businesses, a continuous sidewalk on the west, and a bike/pedestrian path on the east side of Wadsworth from 35th Avenue to the Clear Creek Trail.
Construction has focused on the area from 41st Avenue north to I-70 including building the continuous flow intersection (CFI) at 44th Avenue. The second CFI at 38th Avenue and final improvements south of 41st Avenue to 35th Avenue required additional funding.
Completing the full project now will save money, eliminate the need for temporary work, and prevent having to come back in future years to make the ultimate improvement at the south end of the corridor.
The project is now slated to be complete in spring of 2026. The total project cost, including design, environmental, property acquisition and construction, is approximately $82 million, making it one of the largest infrastructure projects ever led by the city. Federal, state and regional partners funded more than 75 percent of this project.
Dr. Sarah Story Named New Executive Director Of Jeffco Public Health
Dr. Sarah Story, Ph.D., MPP, MPH is the new Executive Director of Jefferson County Public Health, according to a recent release from Jefferson County.
Story earned a Master of Public Policy, a Master of Public Health in Epidemiology and a Ph.D. in Policy Analysis from the University of California, Berkeley. She focused her research on the ways social and economic opportunity impact health disparities, and has continued that focus on health equity throughout her career, first working as an assistant professor at the University of Missouri, then as the deputy director of the Kansas City, Mo., Health Department.
In addition, Dr. Story served on the Kansas City Health Commission, the Missouri State Board of Healing Arts and on the board of directors of University Health.
Story will work closely with the Senior Leadership Team to provide strategic direction and oversight on critical public health priorities. She plans to utilize her experience in balancing ongoing and emerging issues facing the community, while effectively managing the priorities of the department. Dr. Story will also oversee, plan and coordinate the work of the JCPH divisions which includes Administrative Services, Clinic Services, Deputy Director, Family Services, Environmental Health Services and Epidemiology, Planning and Communications.