Wheat Ridge Historical Society Spring Equinox Celebration
The Historical Society will host a celebration of the Spring Equinox and the coming of spring at the Baugh House (44th Ave. & Robb St.) on Saturday, March 9, from 10:00–2:00. Topics of discussion include the public gardens at Happiness Gardens. Got an Irish story to tell? You may win a prize!
Southwest Gardens 4114 Harlan St..is open year round for complete plant and gardening needs. As the area’s premier supplier they have perennials, annuals, and house plants, beautiful hanging baskets and one of Colorado’s largest succulent collections. With over 70 years of combined experience and an onsite Herbalist, their staff has the knowledge you can depend on!
Come visit the Historical Park! The museums are open Fridays, 10:00-3:00, and, new this year, Saturdays, too, from 10:00 to 2:00! For information on all of the above and more, go to our website at wheatridgehistoricalsociety.org, email us at wrhistorical@gmail.com, call 303-421-9111, or stop by the White Family Home at the Red Brick House Fridays or Saturdays at 4610 Robb St.
New plant boutique, pet groomer opens in Wheat Ridge
Permatierra, a community-building boutique, plant store, pet groomer and event space had its grand opening on Feb. 17, welcoming guests to peruse the store and attend educational and creative workshops in its community space. Owner Kenya Stout hopes Permatierra can be a place where ideas, cultures and people can mix, and local artists can promote their work.

“I don’t want it to just be just me doing everything here, because that’s just too much, and there’s so many people who do amazing things,” Stout said. “I want us to do things together and communally.”
Stout has been a professional eco-friendly groomer for more than 10 years and works with each pet one at a time. Whether that is through working with animals, or her Potted Peace Project, which donates free planets to people of color to support their mental health, Stout is passionate about reconnecting marginalized people with the Earth, and promoting sustainability through an Afroindigenous lens.
“If we can remember that all of our ancestors were land stewards, then we can see that this is good for all of us,” Stout said. “This is a way for all of us to be in harmony with not only each other, but the land, animals and ourselves. That’s what I’m about and that’s what this space is about.”
Stout was excited to open Permatierra in Wheat Ridge where she is a resident because she loves the closeness to nature the city has, with all of its trees and its agricultural history, she said. It feels like home and reminds her of where she grew up in Connecticut.
Though she wants Black and brown people to feel encouraged to come to Permatierra and connect with the community, she reminds people that this is not an exclusive space, but rather a place for all people to feel welcome.
For dog grooming appointments and to host workshops in the event space, people can reach out through Stout’s website, Permatierra.org, and can find more information about donating to the Potted Peace Project there as well. The boutique is open on Saturdays, and artists interested in selling their work there can apply on Permatierra.org.
3rd Shot Pickleball now open