What Awaits Us In August?

Edgewater Mayor Laura Keegan

Greetings Edgewater! As we head into August, we’re looking at continued heat and dry weather. Staying indoors during the peak heat hours and watching out for your neighbors in these times is so important. It feels as if we should be safer from the detrimental spread of COVID-19, but numbers are increasing here and all across the world as new and more potent mutations spread. We may have to mandate wearing masks indoors, perhaps even before this paper hits publication. There may be other restrictions coming as well, if we can’t get the numbers of infections, hospitalizations and deaths down. Please consider your family, friends and neighbors first and foremost. It has been shown that even those vaccinated can carry and spread the viruses. Being vaccinated, wearing a mask, social distancing and hand washing will greatly deter the spread of the virus, as we witnessed this past year.

We’re having some amazing city- and business-sponsored events this summer and fall, too many to list here – markets, music, food, outdoor movies, to name a few. Stay updated by signing up for weekly news via email at: https://edgewaterco.com/towncryer

Last month I mentioned the Renters Rights code, as well as the fact that most rentals must be licensed. The city website has been updated to include more information, including a list of resources, for renters, landlords and management firms. Please be informed about rentals and your rights as a renter. You can access this information at: https://www.edgewaterco.com/rentals

Street racing has been an issue in all Front Range cities, Edgewater included. Chief Mackey and his department have been working with other Front Range cities to get on top of this dangerous trend. Our officers are increasingly targeted by dangerous factions of these organized groups that have evolved from these unsanctioned racing events. The police are working daily to keep the events under control and out of our cities.

The city arborist is working on a plan to inform and help citizens with the Emerald Ash Borer in evaluating their green ash trees to determine what is best — removal or treatment. The city plans to have treatment available for us at a discounted rate. Stay tuned for more information coming very soon.

We encourage our community to attend our city council meetings, being held virtually and in person, normally on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. Again, if you sign up for the city emails, you’ll receive notice of council and board meetings. This is the best way to stay informed about our wonderful community. Council and boards serve to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of our city. Please be involved; we welcome and appreciate your participation and voice.

Mayor Laura Keegan can be reached at: lkeegan@edgewaterco.com.

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