Last month, the town of Mountain View experienced some waste hauler changes. I know some aspects of the new system have been difficult to navigate.
It might help residents to understand that some of these changes in the trash service were inevitable. All the companies we got quotes from, including GFL, have switched to a business model that no longer allows personal carts, and restricts the number of carts.
However, the mayor, council and I are all determined to make sure your needs are met and to offer you the best possible waste hauler services available on the market.
The changes have required a multi-step process. First, we made the change to using only town carts (no personal carts) and made sure each property had at least one town cart. There were a limited number of carts available, so we wanted to make sure each property had at least one while we waited for new ones. That was the first priority, since personal carts would no longer be picked up.
The next stage of this process was adding recycling carts. Summit Waste had to order new carts for us. By the time this paper goes to press, any resident who has a town logo trash cart should also have a Summit logo recycle cart.
Finally, we are offering the ability to get different sized carts and additional carts to properties who request them. We have been compiling a list of residents who have either requested smaller carts or extra carts. If you would like to be added to the list, please contact me with what you need.
We are also offering Summit branded bags that can be set beside the cart, for those who would occasionally have overflow trash that doesn’t fit into their regular cart. These bags are available at Town Hall, or by contacting me.
There are many different situations. For example, households consisting of a single person might not fill one of the larger carts in a week and might be more comfortable with a smaller cart. (We have three sizes – 35, 65 and 95 gallons.) Properties with multiple children or carriage houses in the back might need two large carts. Alternatively, a household that regularly only needs a single cart can meet their occasional overflow trash pick-up needs using the Summit Logo bags when they do yardwork in spring and fall.
If you regularly would use two of the largest carts, let me know and that is what you will be provided. If you would prefer to only have a smaller cart because it’s easier for you to manage, let me know and I will provide that to you. If you need an additional recycle cart, I will get that for you as well. If you sometimes have overflow trash needs, due to seasonal yardwork or some other reason, let me know and I will bring you some Summit branded bags.
In other words, the town must comply with the new waste hauler requirements in the industry (only picking up standardized bins and bags, and limiting how many they will pick up without added charges) but that doesn’t mean your needs will not be met. It just means we need to communicate so that I can meet your needs.
There are big advantages to living in a small town – flexibility and friendly, personal service are a few of them, and that’s what we’re trying to provide.
The last phase of the trash service changes we will roll out is the composting option. In a few weeks when we begin this optional service, we will be providing participants with complete information on how this will work.
Thank you for your patience while we work to comply with the new trash industry standards and still offer the best service to our residents.
David Nugent is the Public Works Coordinator in Mountain View. He can be reached at or via text/call at 720-314-5558.