Trash Service Changes in Mountain View

The Town of Mountain View will be making some big changes to the waste hauler services this month. Bins will be standardized, multiple sizes of bins will be offered, and composting will be added as an additional option for residents.

After using GFL for many years, Mountain View Town Council recently decided to put the waste hauler contract out to bid. Multiple bids were received and Council voted at the February meeting to allow Mayor Emilie Mitcham to sign a contract with Summit Waste for trash, recycling, and compost services. 

In addition to the weekly trash and every-other-weekly recycling pick up, Summit Waste will provide weekly compost service to residents who request it for an additional set fee each month. The details will be shared in a letter sent to each household. All services will be billed through the town.

Mayor Mitcham expressed appreciation to both Public Works Coordinator David Nugent for his hard work soliciting bids from waste hauler vendors, and to engaged residents who helped to make compost services a reality in town. Mayor Mitcham stated, “I’m also grateful to Council for hearing from the residents and being open to the idea of adding composting to the town services. It’s always gratifying to see Council work together to serve their constituents.”

In the past, the town has allowed residents to provide their own bins, but with the new contract, the bins will be provided by Summit and the town. Old bins will need to be removed so the alleys are not overcrowded.

Standardizing the bins makes it easier for the waste hauler employees to provide a consistent service. Since all the bins will have lids, it also helps to prevent animals from breaking into the trash and spreading litter throughout the alley.

Each property will be allowed one trash bin, but residents will be given a choice of three sizes. Mayor Mitcham states, “the three sizes are designed to allow different sized households to choose what is best for their needs, since some residents find it difficult to maneuver those large 96-gallon bins.”

The service fees will remain the same, regardless of what sized bin the property requests. “The payment is for picking up the trash and transporting it for disposal. That work is the same regardless of the amount of trash or bin size,” Mayor Mitcham states. “The truck still has to stop; the employees’ time is the same. And what Summit charges the town does not change depending on the amount of trash disposed of. Summit charges are based on households served.”

Each address will automatically be signed up for both trash and recycling. However, composting will need to be requested. The town will reach out to all residents with the process for signing up for composting.

Any questions can be addressed to Public Works Director David Nugent via email at or phone 720-314-5558.

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