The Hottest Secret Neighborhood

Recently, I read a story about “the hottest” Denver neighborhoods, and it got me thinking. What does it mean to be “hot” as a neighborhood? Probably different people would have varying opinions, but I am not too shy to share mine. For this mom of four, Mayor of 550, Mountain View fits the bill. 

We say hello to each other on the street, love each other’s pets and have playdates for the kids at the park. (Someone recently told me their kids call it The Secret Park). We are original, gentle, and what I hear people describe as an “oasis,” but we are still very accessible to downtown Denver, the mountains, and good coffee shops.

Plus, I think our Chinese restaurant (Tawan on 44th Avenue) is one of the friendliest and most delicious. It’s a little like the town though — a well-kept secret and if you don’t know, you may not realize what you’re missing. 

It used to be that people who lived here cherished the town but people who didn’t, were surprised it even exists. But recently, people have been saying they moved here because they could see we’re getting it right and they wanted to be a part of it.

A young couple moved to town this past year and when I went to introduce myself to them, they said they’ve been “blown away” by the town. Two other residents both recently turned up back in town, after moving away for a brief time. They each said they had to live elsewhere for a short time but were happy to be able to find reasonable rent in Mountain View because this is where it feels like home. Welcome home Wes! Welcome home Lindsey! 

At a party last month, thrown by Rob and Petra of Fenton Street, we were talking about the invisible line around the town to keep out the bad guys. On the crime stat apps, according to Rob, MVPD shines. It’s clear the criminals know to avoid our homes and businesses. Or at least the smart ones. The not so smart ones? We catch them.

At the Spring Fling recently, I got a chance to catch up with two different residents who have lived here their whole lives. Isn’t that wonderful?

I think one of the biggest reasons we love it here is that all community members have great access to their local government. Many residents who have lived here for a while have served on the Council. And if you don’t want to serve on the Council, you can still bring your ideas and see them blossom. You know why we have town-provided trash bins that all have lids? Because a resident started a petition. You know why we’re unveiling the new compost program this month? Because residents brought the idea to Council. And this issue of the paper has a letter from a resident about Japanese Beetle infestation solutions. (I hope everyone will participate!) Our new Comprehensive Plan has so many community member ideas in it, I would not begin to list them. Bottom line is this — it’s the community that makes a place great.

So, when you ask, “What’s the hottest neighborhood?” I think the answer is all about community. Whether you just moved here and didn’t realize what you lucked into until you got here, or you grew up here and didn’t really want to leave, or you held on until you could find your way back here — Mountain View, our secret oasis of a town in the heart of the metro area, is a safe and rewarding place to be part of a community you love. I call that hot.

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