Stumbling Upon Treasure At Ridgefest

THE CAPTAIN NAVIGATES TO THE FUTURE SITE of Clear Creek Makerspace, West 44th Avenue and Field, adjacent to Anderson pool. PHOTO COURTESY THE CAPTAIN

Day 134. Still moored at Port Sloan. Last week’s tornado left our galley door tattered and our provisions soggy. Luckily, I overheard some locals at the Mestizo Brew Cantina speakin’ of a Wheat festival nearby that promised fresh beer and merry tunes. We gathered our empty wheat sacks in hopes of procuring some flour and bran, and set sail for Ridgefest.

Turns out there was no wheat to be had, but the crew and I stumbled upon a fierce cornhole tournament and a host of talented musicians on stage. By the cloaks of mighty Poseidon and fair Amphitrite, those minstrels sang shanties with such fervor I half expected the sea gods themselves to rise from the depths and join in the dance! The festival was put together by the folks at Localworks ( who did a bang-up job curating a fine array of local vendors, craftsmen, meal wagons and breweries, givin’ the whole affair a unique and neighborly atmosphere.

The highlight of my day came whilst I was two ales to the wind and happened upon one of those peculiar three-dimensional printer robot contraptions. I was standing there gobsmacked like a barnacle on a battleship when a kindly lad named Jake approached. Word on the wind was that the City of Wheat Ridge and Localworks are joinin’ forces to create a community “Makerspace” where folks can access all manner of unique equipment, mingle with like-minded creators, and take classes to learn new skills – even home repairs. When I heard this, my ears perked like a sea dog sniffin’ the breeze. Before I knew it, Jake used the skills learnt at the Makerspace to design and print a brand-new replacement hinge for our battered galley door on his fancy 3D printer, swift as a cuttlefish in low tide! Feeling indebted to this gracious stranger, I offered to teach a community class on nautical knots in repayment for helpin’ repair my ship. Jake just smiled and sent me off with a map to check out the Makerspace facility.

Nestled at the entrance of Anderson Park, a fine spot for community gatherings, stands the large yet unassuming building. There ye’ll eventually find workshops for textiles, woodworking, metal craftin’, ceramics, electronics and much more. This Makerspace will also boast some extraordinary and costly contraptions like a grand-format CNC machine and powerful laser cutters, not to mention a fine selection of 3D printers. But ‘tis not all, me hearty! They’ll also serve as a hub for startups and small businesses alike, offerin’ guidance and resources to fashion marketin’ materials and prototype new treasures for the world to behold. Arr, what a fine venture indeed! They’ll call this haven of creation the Clear Creek Makerspace, but it’s still a-buildin’ and won’t be open for a few more moons. 

Note to self: Sail over to to join the electronic correspondence list so I can learn more and get updates when the facility opens.

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