Spring Time in Edgewater

Steve Conklin is Edgewater Mayor

It’s already been a busy spring, with many events, construction work and ever-changing weather.  

Thanks, as always, to the great staff that put on the recent Edgewater Spring Clean-Up ‘dumpster day.” While it was a wet and windy day, many took advantage of the opportunity to clean up. Thanks also to those that took advantage of the electronics recycling and the “Sticks to Chips” mulching.   

Hopefully you had a chance to be a part of the neighborhood yard sale!  A survey last year chose spring as the preferred time for the annual event.

One of my responsibilities as Edgewater Mayor is making appointments to our boards and commissions. I am so appreciative of our neighbors that volunteer to serve our community.  I’ve already had the honor of making appointments to the Sustainability Board and The History, Arts, Parks, and Recreation (HARP) Board.  Keep an eye out for openings if you are interested in serving!

The 2024 Edgewater Community Survey is underway. Each year, the survey gives us a look into what is going well and what we need to be working on. The survey asks some questions every year to track opinions over time, and adds in some focus questions. Working with Probolsky Research, we are reaching out to city residents (renters and owners) to find out what you think.  I really encourage you to take a few minutes and complete the survey. Your opinion matters!

Construction work on 25th Avenue between Sheridan Boulevard and Benton Street continues as Edgewater works to complete new permanent improvements to the street. While the end-result is going to be great, it has been a burden on businesses and inconvenient for the neighborhood. To our valued businesses: thank you for your patience and understanding.   Please show these businesses your support by stopping in for a coffee, a beer, a bite to eat or the many services offered on 25th Avenue.  

Upcoming June events of note:

The 5th Annual Edgewater Pride Parade is Saturday, June 1st, starting at 10:30 a.m. at Edgewater Elementary and traveling through the city to the Edgewater Public Market.   Edgewater Pride started as a group of neighbors talking during a pandemic-era social distancing happy hour and grew into a nonprofit advocating for the LGBTQIA+ community in Edgewater. Thank you to the founders, participants, volunteers and advocates of the Edgewater Pride Parade. Thank you to those that started the grassroots event in 2020, as well as the many volunteers, participants and advocates. 

Bike to Work Day is Wednesday, June 26th. This year’s theme is “Pedal, Smile, Repeat.”

Bike to Work Day is presented by the Colorado Department of Transportation’s Active Transportation Program, the Federal Highway Administration and the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG).

If you work for (or lead) a company that has lots of bike riders, you might consider signing up for the Business Challenge. At the end of the challenge, the top companies representing each size category will be recognized on social media and in a paid ad on the Denver Business Journal website. Get more details on the Business Challenge at drcog.org.

Thanks for being a part of our special city.  We are Edgewater!

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