Reducing Your Carbon Footprint this Winter

Fall is in full swing, and winter is just around the corner. As temperatures drop, you may be turning on your thermostat. However, as the furnaces turn up, so does your energy and gas bill and your carbon footprint. To reduce this carbon footprint and save money on electricity bills this winter, thinking about your home’s energy efficiency is a great avenue to consider. And some good news: If you’re an Edgewater resident, you can get access to a free Home Energy Squad visit with energy efficiency upgrades to your home! 

With a standard Home Energy Squad visit, a technician will come to your home and provide up to $200 worth of energy efficiency equipment and services for free. These upgrades include replacing showerheads with energy-efficient models, weather-stripping for a drafty exterior door, switching out traditional incandescent bulbs for LEDs and adding aerators to your kitchen and bathroom faucets. 

Home Energy Squad also offers a Plus visit, which includes up to $600 worth of equipment and services. It includes everything a standard visit does plus an inspection of your home’s exterior, insulation and mechanical systems, an air leak analysis with a Blower-Door diagnostic test, a combustion safety test, a carbon monoxide check, infrared imaging and analysis, and a full summary report with findings and recommendations for a safer, healthier and more efficient home. 

The standard service normally costs $50 and the Plus visit is normally $150, but through the end of the year, either option is free for Edgewater residents! This visit is one way to increase the energy efficiency of your home, reduce your energy usage and save money and improve comfort for the upcoming winter. This offer is only available until the end of the year, so schedule your visit today! 

Call (303) 446-7910 and mention you are an Edgewater resident or visit and use the Edgewater Promo Code (Edgewater2023) to redeem a free visit and upgrade your home this fall.

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