Optimism Abounds

Neighborhood Gazette Publisher Guy Nahmiach

Just take a moment to look around and see the amazing things happening all around us. I was invited recently to the Optimist Club meeting and found myself standing in a room of people reciting an oath to be positive and to look at the sunny side of things. It was an hour of laughter, a time of honoring Wheat Ridge Police Department officers and the great work they do. 

Focus on good people and the positive actions taken by them. Let’s challenge the new WRPD social media person to reciprocate with equally positive news on their social media pages as opposed to the previous constant flow of updates on criminals and their actions in our community. One can only hope.

My real estate state team was so pleased to sponsor the first annual Localworks golf tournament. Paige Piper and her team did an amazing job of organizing an event that created an opportunity for city staff, business owners and residents to be together for a few hours outside and enjoy each other’s company. You could hear and see laughter all around the course. The weather was absolutely perfect and, while I know there’s no controlling the weather, I’d like to believe that Paige had a little bit to do with that. 

I love that so much good is coming out of those 12 square blocks that the city of Mountain View needed two full pages to share all the great things happening there, including a recent festival that brought everyone out to celebrate a wonderful community. Mayor Emily Mitcham could be the proudest mayor in the land when it comes to representing her town. Positive words and a big smile on her face every time she talks about Mountain View.

Edgewater, of course, is planning for its future and has created a series of events where residents can share their vision of Edgewater into the future. In fact I will be attending their Hometown Festival today with the Neighborhood Gazette booth. The banner “I Will Talk to Anyone About Anything” always brings out smiles and curious eyes. Edgewater’s community continues to grow at a fast pace attracting families and businesses alike. 

Finally a shoutout to one of our writers, Brenda Ritz, who organized a “reunion” of sorts for Prospect Valley Elementary: not the students, but the parents, who built relationships while dropping off and picking up their kids and volunteering for amazing events like the Goldfish 5K. It was great to see everyone again. Social media was not in full force then and most of us laughed out loud in person. It’s always special to see each other still in the same community. 

As always, thanks for reading.

Contact Neighborhood Gazette Publisher Guy Nahmiach at WRGazette@gmail.com or 303-999-5789.

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