The year 2023 brought some big planning discussions to our Council table, including a temporary moratorium on the Short-Term Rental Licenses as the Council considers how to best regulate these unique situations. Community Members are invited to share their opinions by writing to the Town Clerk or Mayor Mitcham. Council will be considering proposed changes to the code at their regular November meeting on Nov. 27 and again at the regular December meeting on Dec.18. Community members who are interested can reach out for more information.
After purchasing the land behind Town Hall, the Council Town Hall Remodel Committee has been hard at work communicating with Jefferson County Open Space and crafting a vision for how best to proceed. The community will be invited to share their input when a proposed plan has been articulated. There are many factors to consider, and the project is complex. But no matter how it turns out, the solution will include better and more diverse park space and an improved Town Hall. Community space is very important and currently lacking at Town Hall. Meetings are crowded and there’s not enough office space. Watch for announcements to come about this topic to learn more.
Comprehensive Planning policy setting is the next stage of the Comprehensive Planning work that Council is doing. The Council will be making very big, long-term policy goals in the first half of 2024 and community members are encouraged to stay connected.
The Council also created a Town Administrator Hiring Committee to create a job description, post the position, and make recommendations about this position. This position works closely with the Mayor, Council and Department Heads to implement the Council’s vision in strategic and economically feasible ways. After extensive search, two finalists were selected, and decisions will be made in the November and December meetings. A professional Town Administrator plays a critical role in the management of town resources and can have a very positive impact on our community.