Mountain View Tomorrow

Note: What follows is an excerpt from the executive summary at the beginning of the newly adopted Comprehensive Plan. The full plan can be obtained by reaching out to Town Administrator John Beltrone or scanning the QR code nearby.

Mountain View is a community with a small-town feel. This was the most common sentiment expressed by community members when describing the Town of Mountain View during the comprehensive planning process.

But when we say small-town feel, what does that mean exactly? Well, for Mountain View, it’s the feeling that one has as one walks down the street in their neighborhood and waves and smiles at their neighbors. It’s the feeling that customers have when they visit Town Hall to request help from Town employees. It’s the feeling of togetherness in every laugh and in every smile at community events. No matter where you are on any given day in the Town, it feels like home. That’s the Town of Mountain View. That feeling makes this community a unique place to be in a bustling and growing Denver region.

Mountain View is also a small-sized community of.09 square miles and 12 square blocks. Even though its size may seem like a challenge, the community has turned it into an opportunity to strengthen its community fabric and its connectedness through the years. 

This Comprehensive Plan was built off the spirit of togetherness and connectedness that makes Mountain View unique. This is the community’s plan. It is a shared, unified vision that embodies the hopes and aspirations of its people. It’s a plan that harnesses the community’s identity of having that small-town charm.

At the same time, the community recognizes and plans for what it will become tomorrow. The Town’s theme for this Comprehensive Plan is “Mountain View Tomorrow: Planning Today for a Better Tomorrow.” This theme recognizes Mountain View as a proactive community that takes the necessary actions to create a livable and sustainable community, while balancing advancement with maintaining its community charm and spirit of togetherness.

Mountain View is an innovative community that proactively takes actions to help improve the community; but it does so with the care of the community in every action it takes. Mountain View understands that caring for the community is also about planning for the needs of future generations so they can live healthily and thrive in Mountain View.

This document leverages the Mountain View of Today to press toward the Mountain View of Tomorrow. This Comprehensive Plan celebrates the Town of today and recognizes the successes and accomplishments that make it a strong community, with caring residents and a thriving economy. These positive attributes of Mountain View, along with its community assets, helped to formulate many of the goals and policies within the document.

However, Mountain View does face challenges. Chief among these is its size, which brings resource capacity and development limitations. Therefore, to press toward a vibrant and resilient community of tomorrow, the Town will have to leverage the strengths and assets of the community and take advantage of new opportunities to accomplish the goals of the Plan. A Comprehensive Plan update is one of the biggest investments that a Town can make in planning for its future growth and development. It’s an investment that, if used appropriately, can produce long-term returns for the community. Mountain View Tomorrow acknowledges the significance of this investment and diligently plans a community for future generations.

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