Mental Health in Jeffco: Building Support, Access and Resilience

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Mental health is how we think, feel and act—shaping our ability to handle challenges, build relationships and stay grounded. But stress, loneliness, unmet needs or harmful experiences take a toll, not just on individuals but on families, schools, workplaces and the entire Jeffco community. Mental health affects all of us, and it belongs to all of us. 

Community data and input continue to highlight mental health as a priority in Jefferson County. In 2021, 14% of Jefferson County residents reported needing mental health care but not getting it. Last year, 211 United Way received 405 calls from Jeffco residents seeking help connecting to care, often because they didn’t know how to navigate the system. Even those who do know where to go may find that access to care is limited. 

Colorado’s Medicaid crisis worsened in 2024, with more residents disenrolled than anywhere else in the country after the return of annual renewal requirements. The fallout was severe—Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics had to lay off providers due to a lack of reimbursement for essential services. Despite the efforts of dedicated organizations and experts, the need for mental health care far outweighs available resources. 

At Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH), we take a different approach: focusing on prevention and resilience. We work to build and protect mental health from the start. A strong foundation—safe relationships, stable environments, basic needs being met and a sense of belonging—prevents suffering and helps individuals and communities thrive. 

One of our key focus areas is supporting mental health during pregnancy and early childhood. Programs and services such as nurse home visiting programs, community navigation services and WIC all create opportunities to address mental health needs early. We also partner with local organizations to help parents and children develop lifelong coping skills. Investing in early support reduces the need for intervention down the road. 

Mental health is everyone’s responsibility. Whether it’s checking in on a neighbor, volunteering at the Action Center or simply listening to a friend, small actions make a big difference. When we create a community where people feel valued, supported and connected, we all benefit. 

Let’s work together to make Jeffco a place where everyone has what they need to thrive. 

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about family support services, please visit or call 720-707-9477 for more information.

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