Mayoral Vision: An Optimistic Outlook

Emilie Mitcham, Mountain View Mayor

A local newscaster recently remarked that the reality of Election Day is to see what others are thinking. On Tuesday, Nov. 2, that viewpoint was demonstrated when Mountain View voters unseated the incumbent and selected Emilie Mitcham as Mountain View mayor.

In a recent conversation, Mayor-Elect Mitcham shared her initial focus and challenge, intent for commercial development, and aspiration for community engagement.  

“The best part of my campaign was meeting and talking with residents,” revealed Mitcham. Campaign strategies included door-to-door canvassing, direct mail and inviting community members to meet in her front yard for an informal Saturday morning neighborhood conversation.

With a freshly acquired sense of community interests and concerns, Mitcham says that her initial focus will be getting to know, listening to, and learning from the Town Hall staff and Mountain View town council.

“I know change is difficult.” She adds, “As mayor, I see my role as a facilitator who listens and offers direction to reach common ground and shared values.”

Residential architectural design standards, together with infrastructure repair and maintenance, are topics of significant interest among residents. Mitcham knows these municipal matters create challenge. 

Mindful of the challenge, Mitcham aims to promote increased opportunity for open discussion between all stakeholders associated with ongoing community projects.

“We can’t please everyone, but we can do a better job with difficult conversations by coming together, listening and sharing ideas.” 

Mitcham acknowledged that the minimal property offerings within the town limits future commercial development. However, she will explore the possibility of attracting a coffee shop, brew pub or other neighborhood-centered establishment into the community.

“I think Mountain View residents favor and support this type of business.”

Throughout her life, Mitcham reflected that she found inspiration from people who engage in public affairs. Therefore, as Mountain View mayor, she will propose various avenues to enable greater active community engagement.

To meet this objective, Mitcham wants the monthly town council meetings recorded for accessibility on YouTube and the council packets posted online. Additionally, Mitcham will seek volunteer neighborhood ambassadors to facilitate communication between local governance and residents.

“I am an optimist and committed in finding ways to bring people and town together.” 

The mayor’s prospects for Mountain View offer the opportune moment for community members to participate in municipal matters. 

The benefit of municipal engagement, in short, is best articulated by Coretta Scott King:

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”

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