Letters to the Editor

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Navigating Wadsworth Construction ‘An Adventure…Amusing’

Dear Editor,

Although it is an inconvenience, I know the end result will be worth it. Every time I travel Wadsworth, I try to look at it as an adventure. Will this street be blocked off? Will there be one lane of traffic on this side? Will the left turn lane be closed? Will the light be long enough to make a left turn? Will I be able to make a right turn? Really, it is amusing or at least to keep one’s sanity it is best to find it amusing. 

–Milly Nadler, Wheat Ridge

Wadsworth Construction ‘An Embarrassment!’ 

Dear Editor,

No unforeseen problems? Puhleeze – what about the broken water main in front of Safeway and the trackhoe swallowed by the resultant hole? On schedule? How do you explain not having workers on site at least half the time? Looks more like a storage yard for construction equipment than roadway improvements in progress.

How about enforcing the construction zone speed limit (or at least posting it for NB traffic) before someone gets run over? I drive this stretch almost daily, and cars routinely treat it like a race course. Sorry, Wheat Ridge – this job is an embarrassment!

As a long-time civil engineer with plenty of experience with roadway work, I found the article to be typical rhetoric from CDOT to the public for a project that has some obvious issues. I understand how the work will be incremental because of all the utility relocations and ROW acquisition, but rarely seeing a crew at work on the site doesn’t speak well for the contractor or for CDOT. I really dread navigating the detoured lanes during the coming winter.

–John Braaksma, Wheat Ridge

Great Publisher’s Corner

Dear Publisher,

Guy, you seem to always “nail it” in your commentary. I loved the slow traffic on the 38th jab. I also thought you did an excellent job of talking about potential school closings. As I expected, all the comments were in the “save” column. Might be good to know what it costs to keep failing schools open and how re-allocation of $$ to the bigger schools might be a better idea. I have no skin in the game except taxes, and I couldn’t believe how many schools were in WR. Seems way too many given population. My thoughts were how would the closed schools be repurposed. I can see some opportunity for our city there. It would be good to lay out the whole story about the schools, the numbers and the buildings to get a better picture.

Finally, here’s an idea for another column. We walk daily in Bel Aire and continue to see dog poop not picked up, but even worse, a bag of it left at the site as if someone was going to come by and pick it up for these scofflaws! You can probably reach more WR residents than any other outlet. Happy writing.

–Bill Rickman, Wheat Ridge

Angry With School Closure Vote

Dear Publisher,

Between the board and the district, I think the District has the bulk of the blame, and now we’re counting on the Board to do the right thing, and prove that’s the case! They are completely destroying ALL trust and faith we can hope to have with them. They are supposed to speak for and represent US, not the district! They’re meant to be OUR checks and balances of what the District is up to! They’re elected to be OUR voice, not their own. Right now it seems they’re using too much of their own thinking and not enough listening, to the people they’re supposed to be speaking for. As an elected official (in any capacity) it’s not up to the official to decide what they want to do or personally think is right…it’s their responsibility and elected duty to do what WE the people ask them to do! And we are asking them to vote NO! If they don’t, they’re not our voice…they are the District’s voice. Then the pessimists will be right…we truly are on our own. We truly have no voice. Our kids’ futures be damned.

–Emilie Rose, Wheat Ridge 

Think Local, Live Local, Shop Local, Give Local!

Dear Neighborhood Gazette,

This holiday season, whether you are a newcomer or been here a while, think like a local. Find those hidden gems for fulfilling your shopping or grocery list, try somewhere you haven’t shopped or eaten at before. Introduce one of your favorites to a new resident. Many stores and restaurants offer gift cards so people can shop or eat here. Be a cheerleader for Wheat Ridge. As we do ribbon cuttings to welcome businesses to Wheat Ridge, we are amazed at the variety of goods and services that new businesses bring from sweet treats to savory meals and interesting goods and services. They also bring new and different energy. Why shop local vs going online if you can? Sales tax stays local, shop owners able to invest back in the community. And if you have filled that list, why not choose a local charity or two to donate to? Local people helping neighbors in need makes us all stronger. Think local, live local, shop local, give local!

–Cheryl Brungardt, Wheat Ridge

Great Celery Farming Article!


Could you please pass on the following note and image to Marta regarding her recent W.R. Celery Farming article?

I heard about the history of Pascal celery farming from a video that someone from the WR Historical Society created many years ago. Later, when the Stage Stop Vintage market was still around, I found a celery wrapper that I’m sure was used by farms in Wheat Ridge.

I framed the wrapper and it hangs by my kitchen. (Not a great picture, I was in a hurry.) Too bad it doesn’t say Wheat Ridge but it is still very cool! I wish I had bought the whole pile of wrappers that were for sale but they were not inexpensive. If you want a better picture – I’m happy to try.

Great article – keep them coming! 

–Anne B. Brinkman, Wheat Ridge

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