Keeping Your Sidewalks Clear: A Responsibility for All Property Owners

Maintaining clear and safe sidewalks is a crucial responsibility for all property owners within the City of Edgewater. This duty not only ensures the safety and convenience of pedestrians but also enhances the overall aesthetic and functionality of our community spaces. One essential aspect of this responsibility is the proper pruning of tree branches to prevent obstructions and maintain adequate clearance above sidewalks
 and streets.

Ensuring Safety and Accessibility

Tree branches that extend over sidewalks and streets can pose significant hazards. For pedestrians, low-hanging branches can obstruct pathways, creating obstacles that can lead to injuries or accidents. In areas with heavy foot traffic, such as near schools, parks, and commercial districts, it is especially important to keep these pathways unobstructed to ensure everyone’s safety, including children, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities.

Property owners are required to prune tree branches to maintain a clear space of eight (8) feet above the surface of the sidewalk. This clearance ensures that pedestrians can walk safely without the risk of bumping into low branches. Additionally, maintaining a clear space of fifteen (15) feet over any street is crucial for vehicular safety. This clearance allows for the safe passage of vehicles, including emergency services, delivery trucks, and public transportation.

Enhancing Visibility at Intersections

Proper tree pruning is also vital for maintaining clear sightlines at street and alley intersections. Overgrown branches can obstruct drivers’ views, leading to dangerous situations where drivers cannot see oncoming traffic or pedestrians. By ensuring that tree branches do not block these critical sightlines, property owners help prevent accidents and promote smoother traffic flow.

Community Aesthetics and Environmental Health

Well-maintained trees contribute to the beauty and environmental health of Edgewater. Pruning not only prevents obstructions but also promotes healthy tree growth. Regular pruning can prevent disease, remove dead or damaged branches, and improve the overall structure of the tree. Healthy trees provide shade, reduce air pollution, and enhance the visual appeal of our neighborhoods.

Simple Steps for Proper Pruning

1. Regular Inspection: Routinely check the trees on your property to identify branches that may need trimming.

2. Proper Tools: Use the right tools for the job, such as pruning shears, loppers, and saws, to make clean cuts.

3. Safety First: Always prioritize safety by wearing protective gear and following proper pruning techniques.

4. Professional Help: For large trees or difficult jobs, consider hiring a professional arborist to ensure the work is done safely and correctly.

Keeping sidewalks and streets clear of obstructive tree branches is a shared responsibility that significantly contributes to the safety, accessibility, and beauty of the City of Edgewater. By adhering to the required clearances and regularly maintaining the trees on your property, you play an essential role in enhancing the quality of life for all residents and visitors. Let’s work together to keep Edgewater safe, beautiful, and accessible for everyone.

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