I’ve Got a Notice of Code Violation – What Now?

You are sipping your morning coffee, glancing out the window at your neatly trimmed lawn, when the mail arrives. Among the bills and the junk mail, there it is – a notice from the Town of Mountain View Code Enforcement. Immediately panic starts to set in: “What did I do wrong? Will I get fined? But, I try to keep my yard nice! My neighbor’s yard is much worse!”

We know it’s sometimes hard to get these notices and we want to help you understand the process, what happens next after you get this kind of notice, and how to handle the situation. The situation is not as bad as you may fear, we promise.

Please remember, Code Enforcement is required by our Charter, and is just trying to help us all do the right thing and abide by the rules set by Council. We understand that not everyone is aware of all the Town Codes, and that mistakes happen. Our first contact is usually a Friendly Reminder. We typically reach out, in person, by phone or text, or maybe simply by leaving a door hanger – to give you a head’s up about the violation we’ve noticed. It is like a gentle nudge from a conscientious neighbor who reminds you to pick up after your dog. And our hope is that you will be responsive to that friendly reminder.

Your first job is to read the notice and try to understand what is wrong. This Friendly Reminder will simply ask you to fix some possible violation. Maybe the weeds in your yard or the Right-Of-Way adjacent to your property have gotten too tall. Maybe there are invasive trees in your yard. Maybe that tree that shades the sidewalk hangs just a little too low. Read the notice carefully to understand what is being asked of you. Understanding the issue is half the battle, and if you don’t understand it, we really hope you will reach out so we can help.

The other important thing to understand is that the Friendly Reminder will tell you what action is needed to correct the situation. Cut down the weeds, remove invasive trees and weeds, or trim that tree. The answer is always there on the notice. But if you are not sure, again, please reach out to Public Works and we will be happy to help – we are like friendly neighborhood experts who are there to guide you. 

The Friendly Reminder allows time to make the correction, usually about two weeks, unless there are urgent safety concerns, such as a dead branch hanging over the sidewalk that looks ready to fall. If you think there may be a delay in getting the violation corrected, simply reach out to us to discuss the situation. We understand that sometimes delays cannot be avoided and we try to be reasonable and work with you as much as we can.

So, dear neighbor, when that code enforcement notice arrives, don’t panic. Brew another cup of coffee, read the notice carefully, and simply correct whatever needs to be done. Cut down the weeds, remove invasive trees or weeds, or trim that tree. Code Enforcement will be there to guide you along the way. Remember, we are all in this community together.

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