How Our Food Shapes Our Faces, Health, and Sleep

Dr. Kevin Schwandt

Our diet significantly affects our skull shape, oral health, sleep, and breathing patterns. The evolution of our faces and skulls reflects these dietary influences. Historically, strong jaws were common among our ancestors, but modern diets have led to diverse dental conditions.

The foods we consume play a crucial role in shaping our skulls, often more so than genetics or ethnicity. Dr. Weston Price observed this in the late 1920s and 1930s. In isolated communities with traditional diets, people had perfect dental arches, minimal tooth decay, strong immunity, and excellent overall health. Conversely, in areas with modern diets rich in white flour, sugar, refined oils, and canned goods, he noticed severe dental problems, misaligned jaws, arthritis, and weaker immunity within just two generations.

Today, the impact of diet on jaw development continues to be a concern. Poor jaw development can lead to smaller jaws, longer faces, and crowded teeth, which affect sleep and breathing. Inadequate jaw development can restrict airflow in the nasal cavities, leading to high vaulted palates and deviated septums. A narrow upper jaw (maxilla) can cause the soft palate to become elongated and loose. This, combined with an underdeveloped maxilla, restricts the airway behind the soft palate, causing the lower jaw (mandible) to be positioned further back, pushing the tongue downward and backward. This airway obstruction can result in sleep apnea, where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep.

The severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) varies from mild to severe based on skeletal underdevelopment and the placement and tone of soft tissues. Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS) often goes undiagnosed due to its milder symptoms compared to sleep apnea. Any airway restriction negatively impacts overall health and well-being.

Addressing these issues requires revisiting dietary and lifestyle practices, especially for children. Promoting breastfeeding, addressing tongue ties in infants, practicing baby-led weaning, and ensuring early dietary interventions can support better facial development and health. Dr. Price’s research underscores the importance of a nutrient-dense, whole-food diet and mindful eating habits for maintaining craniofacial health across generations. He also pioneered removable expansion devices as a core orthopedic and orthodontic technique to widen dental arches and alleviate many of these problems.

Understanding the impact of diet on facial development is essential for our daily lives. By recognizing the links between nutrition, facial structure, and overall health, we can work towards a healthier future for ourselves, our children, and future generations.

Dr. Kevin Schwandt practices dentistry at Reclaim Integrative Dentistry & Implant Center in Wheat Ridge.

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