Edgewater’s Essential Guide to Snow Procedures

Winter is coming, and Edgewater’s snow-covered streets and walkways offer a picturesque scene. However, it’s essential to remember our responsibilities and ensure our city remains safe and accessible for everyone. So, let’s dive into the crucial things you need to know about Edgewater’s snow procedures.

Avoid Shoveling Snow onto Roads: First and foremost, as tempting as it may seem, never shovel snow, ice, or mud from your property onto the streets or alleys. Doing so not only makes the roads treacherous for fellow residents but also delays the clearing process.

The 24-Hour Rule: Whether you’re a renter, homeowner, or business owner, you must clear all sidewalks surrounding your property of snow and ice within 24 hours of the last snowfall. This rule is especially critical for those with avenue corner lots. Remember, it’s not just a kind gesture; it’s the law!

Snow Plow Routes – Plan Ahead: If you’re expecting a snowstorm, it’s recommended not to park on specific streets to avoid snow accumulation. The snow will be pushed:

  • North and South on:
    • 20th Ave., 22nd Ave., 24th Ave., 25th Ave., and 26th Ave. 
  • Center of the street on:
    • Harlan St. between 20th Ave. and 26th Ave.

On the Road During Snowstorms: The Edgewater crew tirelessly work throughout snowstorms to keep roads clear. They prioritize keeping the traffic moving smoothly, which means they have to divert snow out of the lanes. Sometimes, this creates piles of snow, known as windrows, at the ends of driveways. While they may be an inconvenience, the city does not intentionally create them and does not clear them.

The Law on Snow Removal: Every property owner or occupant is legally bound to keep adjacent sidewalks free from obstructions like snow, ice, or mud. Failing to do so is against the Edgewater Municipal Code. And if there’s a hazard identified by Neighborhood Code Compliance or Police, they will serve or post a notice. Not complying with this notice is unlawful.

City’s Responsibility: Good news! The City of Edgewater will handle snow removal around public parks and buildings, ensuring safety and access for everyone. 

Snow Angels: Snow-covered sidewalks can be hazardous for everyone. The City of Edgewater’s Snow Angels Program pairs older residents and residents with disabilities with nearby neighbors who volunteer to assist them with snow removal on their sidewalks and walkways. Along with fostering stronger community relationships and relieving some of the stress that comes from a snowfall or freeze, Snow Angels make our sidewalks safer for those who are outside during the winter weather, like postal carriers, firefighters, police officers, and other neighbors. Want to become a Snow Angel? Head to www.EdgewaterCO.com/Snow to sign up!

Stay warm, stay safe, and let’s welcome winter with open arms!

Learn more at www.EdgewaterCO.gov/Snow 

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