Edgewater Coffee, Where You Can Find Joy!

Most every Friday at 9:00 citizens of Edgewater drop in to have a cup of coffee/tea and donut. What happens next is exhilarating!  

When you enter the Civic Center, you may recognize someone you know from within Edgewater, or you may find someone in the group from outside Edgewater. Someone may ask your name and invite you to sit down and talk and get to know a little bit about you.

Some of the people who visit Edgewater Coffee are in their 90’s, 80’s, 70’s, 60’s, 50’s, 40’s. Some people sit and chat with their young children and discuss their families.  You will find single people and coupled people.

One thing you can count on, lots of conversations!  

Finding and nurturing relationships is key to making sure your health and happiness live as long as you do. Here are some tips and resources to help you get started making those key connections.

Social interaction is a key to happiness among older adults.

The Happiness Trajectory

A national AARP survey found that 44% of respondents ages 50-plus say they’ve become happier over time, while 36% are neutral regarding that question, and only 9% say they have not grown happier. 

Women are more likely to say they are happier as they age (53%) compared to men (47%). This could be linked to older women reporting they socialize and are more likely than men to turn to others for encouragement and support.

Within Edgewater there are many of men who join in to the discussions and ideas!

Sources of Happiness

74% of all adults surveyed cited in-person socializing as being the key to their happiness, and 49% said virtual socializing was a factor.

Please consider visiting Edgewater Coffee at 9:00 on Fridays, you may find a whole community of interesting people.

The above findings were based on an online survey of 1,010 adults age 50+ conducted in June 2024.

Citation: Skufca, Laura. Happiness in Mid and Later Life: 2024 Survey of Adults Age 50 and Older. Washington, DC: AARP Research, July 2024. https://doi.org/10.26419/res.00818.001

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