Cold Winter, But Spring is Coming!

Jerry DiTullio, Jefferson County Treasurer

Hopefully you survived the bitter cold weather that we have recently experienced. The warmer weather appears to be back and maybe our Colorado spring starts soon.

Property Tax Statements

In January, county treasurers mailed out property tax statements to the residents of Colorado. As Jefferson County Treasurer, I sent out those statements the week of January 21st. These statements reflect the amount of property taxes that residential and commercial properties owe for 2024 payable in 2025. County treasurers do not set your level of taxes, but we are responsible for the collection of these taxes per state law. This is the busiest time of year for county treasurers around the state.

Your property tax notice reflects the recent increases in property taxes which have occurred because of rising property values, tax increases approved by voters, and recent changes in how property taxes are calculated. County treasurers are required to send these notices and work with property owners to oversee the collection of these taxes which are distributed monthly to the counties, cities, and special districts which levy these taxes. I encourage you to call me with any questions, and I will work with you to help clarify the process. Some property owners (those with mortgages), pay their property taxes through their monthly payment which is called an escrow. People with no mortgage are responsible for making their payments directly to the county treasurer. The Jefferson County Treasurer’s phone number is 303-271-8330. My cell phone number is 720-253-6785. I ALWAYS return phone calls, and I am happy to speak with you – just call me. 

Property Tax Payment Changes

During the COVID pandemic, I worked with the state legislature to temporarily change state law (2020 and 2021) and help taxpayers retain ownership of their homes by allowing multiple payments instead of the standard two payments, and by waiving late interest. It was very successful, especially in Jefferson County.

I am again working with a few legislators to revise the current system to again allow multiple payments. A bill is currently being drafted to allow county treasurers to once again take multiple payments to help homeowners to retain their homes. I will be testifying at the legislature in favor of this change.

Investing Your Money – Jefferson County Taxpayers Earned Millions of Dollars!!

As Jefferson County Treasurer, I am responsible for investing those taxes dollars that are not immediately used to pay bills. I am proud to say that in 2024 we earned a record $29,238,560.33 in interest on our investments (unaudited). This money is used to pay for additional projects and services that benefit Jefferson County residents.

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