Bad Jews?


Wait what? You can just imagine my reaction when the Wheat Ridge Theatre company asked me to run an ad for their next play titled “Bad Jews”. I mean our city is already home to one of the largest Nazi music distributors in the country, and I’m thinking “now what???” Turns out it’s an award-winning play about family members not practicing their faith authentically. 

Now imagine if I had titled this article Bad Muslims or Bad Blacks or Gays….. who knows what the ramifications of that would be. 

Even though I’m Jewish, I can’t help but consume large amounts of the “forbidden meat” (bacon). My dad says I’m a “bad jew”. Working on Sabbath, not practicing every holiday and basically living according to the old testament could have one labeled as a “bad jew”.

I called the theatre company in New York that first produced the play back in the 80’s and they were quite proud to have started up a conversation. When the play moved to London England, The London Transit Authority refused to have any ads or billboards advertising the play.

I thought about it for a second. With antisemitism at an all-time high in this country, I thought this would just fuel the fire. I asked both of my kids about their opinion on this. In a rare moment of agreement, they both declared that idiots will always be idiots. Someone who hates Jewish people is always going to hate Jewish people no matter what ads, plays or anything that’s going on in the community. Or even marching down the streets of Chicago.

The arts have always been the tip of the sword in challenging society in addressing sensitive topics. As a supporter of the arts I love that we can discuss things in the spirit of celebrating, changing, improving and simply creating. Admittedly if you are still shocked by the title of this article or name of play, don’t fret, it took me a full 2 months to “get over it” and understand the real meaning of the title. I won’t spoil the plot and urge you to grab tickets and go see this play in person.

The Wheat Ridge Theater company produces amazing plays every couple of months. 

If you’re looking for something to do that’s live, creative, right here in our town. I encourage you to go see the show for yourselves. 

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