A Letter to Edgewater Residents

Edgewater City Manager Dan Maples

Dear Edgewater Community, 

During the past year, the City of Edgewater has been made aware of several negative media and social media posts regarding our employees. As an organization, the City of Edgewater is limited to what information can be shared about employees — past or current — due to the privacy of certain personnel information and legal considerations. The last thing the City wishes to do is to release personal information that employees expect to remain confidential, or release details or information that would compromise an on-going judicial proceeding. This inability to share information can promote others to only share one side of a story, unfortunately. 

Claims with little to no factual support are not only hard on the community but also hard on our employees. Our employees are also people in the community, mothers, fathers and family members, doing their best every day to serve others. City staff remain willing to meet with community members or groups to discuss any issues/concerns and provide accurate information, to the extent we can. Please feel free to contact City Manager Dan Maples at 720-763-3012 or email dmaples@edgewaterco.com.   

25th Avenue Project: The City of Edgewater has been improving our historic 25th Avenue business corridor between Sheridan Boulevard and Benton Street thanks to a Main Street Grant from the State of Colorado. Edgewater was awarded the grant in 2021 and is working on the improvements now. Currently the City is looking to open this new revitalized street in June. 

Staff would like to thank the businesses and community for their patience during the construction. We know these improvements will provide a great benefit to the area, but it has been hard on all the businesses with the street being closed. The City invites everyone to come back and visit these businesses any time!  And mark your calendars, the businesses and City will be hosting a “Return of the Block Party” on Saturday, June 29th to celebrate the improved street and all businesses impacted during construction.  Please find more information at www.EdgewaterCo.gov/Events.   

Improvements to 25th Avenue will include new outdoor patio areas for businesses, a dedicated eastbound bike lane, updated water lines, and a new storm drainage system. These improvements will make some of what was changed with the COVID pandemic – outdoor patio spaces for businesses permanent. 

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