Dear children of Wheat Ridge,
I am coming to visit your town for a special holiday celebration! I will arrive from the North Pole to Wheat Ridge Cyclery at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 3. I am a very busy man this time of year, so I will do my best to see as many boys and girls from Wheat Ridge as I can.
I will be seated for photos and gift requests from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Localworks has arranged a photographer, so that we can have as much quality time as possible during our visit together! If you would like to sit on my lap for a photo, please find my elves who will be passing out tickets for a spot in line! Tickets are free, and work on a first-come, first-served basis. To be sure you get a ticket, try to arrive at the event a little early. My elves will begin passing out tickets at 3 near the entrance of Wheat Ridge Cyclery. For your fun and safety, you must have a ticket to have a seated photo with me.
If we don’t get a chance to chat during the two-hour seated period, come find me on the Green! I will be roaming and chatting with families for the hour leading up to the annual tree lighting! If you have any questions surrounding my arrival, please send a letter to and one of my elves will be happy to help.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Gearing up to Give Where You Live
Colorado Gives Day is right around the corner! Localworks is hosting a unique Colorado Gives Day event at Clancy’s Irish Pub on Dec. 6 from 6 to 8 p.m. Bar Stool Bingo is a variation of a popular bar game from Texas! We will be raffling prizes on our game and accepting donations for our Home Improvement Loan (HIP) program.
To learn more about what Bar Stool Bingo is visit:
All proceeds from the event will go toward our Home Improvement Loan program. We aim to raise $10,000 this Colorado Gives Day for this program. Thanks to our presenting sponsor for this event and this year’s Colorado Gives Day, Paramount Roofing and Gutters, they will be MATCHING the first $2,000 of donations given on Dec. 6 to benefit this Localworks program.
The HIP helps Wheat Ridge homeowners increase the value of their property with a loan that is accessible to everyone. The first year of the loan has no interest, which your donation directly impacts. Helping us reach our goal of $10,000 ensures that no interest is available in the first year for up to TEN Home Improvement Loans.
A big thank you again to Paramount Roofing and Gutters, a trusted locally owned and family operated business, for their pledged match to the first $2,000 of donations.
We encourage you to register in advance. To register for this event visit If you would not like to participate in the game, but would like to donate visit We hope to see you there!
Call for Volunteers
Looking to get more involved in the community? Sign up to volunteer for the Wheat Ridge Holiday Celebration! We have many volunteer opportunities ranging from all levels of skill and ability. If you are interested in volunteering for this event please email and we will find a job that best fits your skills!
Adison Wash is Localworks’ Marketing and Community Relations Associate.