There were a number of fun happenings this past month here in Mountain View, including an engagement, a birth, winning contestants in the Jack O’Lantern Contest and new residents to welcome to our town.
Allie and Dylan on Ames Street recently got engaged. Dylan completely surprised Allie with a ring and The Big Question while they were on a trip to celebrate her birthday, and Allie’s smile in the photo taken immediately after, says it all. Congratulations, Allie and Dylan! May you have a long, loving life together filled with laughter and joy.
The winners of our Town-sponsored Jack O’Lantern Contest included the following: Teresa Freeman won for her “Grossest” creation. Miles Horne won in the “Funniest” category. Layla Carney took home the prize for “Most Creative.” Melinda Plemel snagged “Best in Show” and Leal Algiene claimed the “Scariest” of them all. Thank you to all the participants. It was a fun, snowy event and a lot of fun!
Feed Your Soul Fitness hosted Town of Mountain View Officers Robert Castillo and Kylie Vigil as they taught a two-hour beginner Self Defense Class in November. The goal was to help individuals of all fitness levels and backgrounds learn the fundamentals of personal safety. The Mountain View Police Department is hoping to hold more events like this in the future. Feed Your Soul Fitness owners, Brandy and Sven Martin say they were impressed by how much fun the officers made it. Brandy said it was “fun, energetic, funny, and inclusive.” Thank you to our officers and to Feed Your Soul Fitness for the opportunity!
Thank you to outgoing Council Member Catherine Colwell for the many years of service she has given our town. As she completes her last month as a Council Member, we honor and appreciate her dedicated service. We are grateful for her continued commitment to help with the Historical Mountain View Committee. Thank you, Catherine!
Speaking of history and public service — The Chase Street bench where Mayor Russell C Lyon and his wife used to live recently got the long-promised plaque commemorating the property where Mayor Lyon lived while he served as Mayor of Mountain View from 1943 until 1984. Thank you to the current homeowners who wanted to honor the history and Mayor Lyon with this bench located in their yard. That is a generous act of public engagement, and we appreciate you!
Public engagement comes in all forms. For one Mountain View family, Andrea and Ryan Ryall and their three kids, it has taken the dramatic form of advocating for refugees who find themselves in shelters and on the street after fleeing life-threatening conditions elsewhere. You may have seen Andrea on the news recently sharing her story. She was bringing some food to the refugees who had gathered near Mountain View in Denver, and she realized that a lot more was needed than a meal. “What was happening was unacceptable and the Moms in this community won’t stand for it,” she said. Reaching out to her neighbors and friends, she’s initiated an outpouring of help to cloth, feed, house, and befriend many people. First she held a big clothing and supplies drive in your yard. This led to even more engagement and it has grown stronger ever since.
Mountain View residents will have the pleasure of getting to know two new families in our community because of Andrea and her hard work. One family, Neydira and Angel, will welcome a new baby to the world later in 2024, and they have a two-year-old girl. Another family, Anyerlis and Carlos, have a four-year-old son. Together, the families have moved into a rental home in Mountain View. We hope all Mountain View residents (especially those who speak Spanish and can help us translate!) will help us welcome them to their new home.
Speaking of new community members — Sgt. Joey Behrman and his wife Haley recently gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Welcome to the world, Kaden Gregory Behrman!
And last but definitely not least — Thank you to the Mountain View voters! We had over 50% voter turnout and passed all of the Charter Amendments, modernizing, clarifying and simplifying some of the language. The following people have been elected to serve four-year terms on the Town Council: Leal Algiene, Brittany Loecher, and Brent Metz.